Jessica Singleton, et al v. Elephant Insurance Company

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 5th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

4110 Insurance

  1. March 18, 2020

    5th Circ. Finds Taxes Not Included In Car Insurance Payout

    The Fifth Circuit ruled Wednesday that a car insurance policy promising to pay owners the cash value of a totaled vehicle does not include taxes and fees to replace it, shooting down an appeal from a proposed class of car owners who took their insurer to court.

  2. February 05, 2020

    5th Circ. Judge Asks If Texas Court Can Answer Car Fee Query

    A Fifth Circuit judge on Wednesday questioned why the court shouldn't just ask the Texas Supreme Court to answer whether, under state law, an insurer should have to pay its policyholders sales taxes or title transfer fees for totaled cars.

  3. September 19, 2019

    Car Insurer Tells 5th Circ. Sales Tax, Fees Were Not In Contract

    A lower court's rejection of a suit alleging a car insurance company owed clients sales taxes or title transfer fees for totaled cars should be upheld since the contract didn't cover those expenses, the company has told the Fifth Circuit.

  4. August 07, 2019

    Auto Insurer Owes Sales Tax For Totaled Cars, 5th Circ. Told

    A Texas federal court incorrectly tossed a proposed class action by clients alleging a car insurance company owed them sales taxes or title transfer fees for totaled cars because the policies should cover all expenses, the Fifth Circuit has been told.

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