Denning et al v. Loud Buddha, LLC et al

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Case Number:


See also:


California Northern

Nature of Suit:

Labor: Fair Standards

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Richard Seeborg


  1. February 10, 2020

    Pot Farm, Staffing Co. Say FLSA Suit Can't Name Them Both

    Cannabis companies Pura Cali and Loud Buddha have asked a California federal judge to throw out a class action filed by workers who say they were shorted wages and denied breaks, arguing the proposed class can't cover workers at both companies.

  2. November 22, 2019

    Calif. Cannabis Cos. Stiffed Workers On OT, Breaks, Suit Says

    A cannabis harvesting company and a distribution and dispensary company were hit with a proposed class action under the Fair Labor Standards Act by workers who alleged the companies failed to provide overtime wages, meal breaks or accurate wage statements.

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