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April 26, 2020
Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Akin Gump
- Ballard Spahr
- Bialson Bergen
- Bracewell LLP
- Buzbee Law Firm
- Cain & Skarnulis
- Clark Hill
- Coats Rose
- Cozen O'Connor
- Doyle Dennis LLP
- Hendershot Cowart
- Jackson Walker LLP
- JD Thompson Law
- Johnstone Adams
- Kean Miller
- K&L Gates
- Linebarger Goggan
- Lugenbuhl Wheaton
- Norton Rose
- Osha Bergman
- Perdue Brandon
- Porter Hedges
- Rapp & Krock
- Reed Smith
- SBSB Eastham
- Skadden Arps
- Snow & Green
- Spence Desenberg
- Streusand Landon
- Sullivan & Cromwell
- Vedder Price
- Winstead PC
- Womble Bond
- Aramark
- Cisco Systems Inc.
- Crane Worldwide Logistics LLC
- Dell Technologies Inc.
- Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc.
- Mammoet Europe Holding BV
- National Oilwell Varco Inc.
- Oracle Corp.
- Rexel SA
- Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd.
- Sodexo SA
- The Bank of New York Mellon Corp.
- TR Capital Management LLC
- Wells Fargo & Co.
- Zurich Insurance Group AG
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
April 08, 2021
Diamond Offshore $2B Ch. 11 OK'd After Compromise Is Axed
A Texas bankruptcy judge on Thursday approved oil and gas company Diamond Offshore Drilling's $2 billion debt-swap Chapter 11 plan after rejecting a compromise between Diamond and the U.S. trustee's office over the plan's legal releases.
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