SUN CUISINE, LLC v. CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYD'S LONDON Subscribing to Contract Number B0429BA1900350 Under Collective Certificate Endorsement 350OR100802

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Case Number:



Florida Southern

Nature of Suit:


Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Darrin P. Gayles


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    Miami Eatery Denied Coverage In Pandemic Coverage Suit

    A Florida eatery isn't entitled to coverage for losses it sustained as a result of government pandemic restrictions, a federal court found, saying the restaurant didn't allege the kind of physical damage required for coverage under its all-risk policy.

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    A beauty salon and a restaurant operator suing Lloyd's of London told a Miami-based federal judge Thursday that their allegations of coronavirus contamination and facility alterations are enough to trigger coverage and upend the insurer's bid to dismiss their suits.

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