Chong v. Northeastern University

  1. May 10, 2021

    Northeastern Beats Student COVID-19 Tuition Suit

    A Massachusetts federal judge on Monday handed Northeastern University a quick win in a proposed class action lodged by students seeking tuition refunds after the school pivoted to remote learning amid the pandemic, finding that a handbook the students agreed to contained a clause excusing in-person learning during so-called force majeure events.

  2. April 29, 2021

    Fight Over Force Majeure At Center Of Northeastern Suit

    The future of Northeastern University students' putative class action seeking a partial tuition refund for the school's pandemic shift to remote classes could come down to whether a university force majeure clause wins out over the argument that its terms were buried in a document that described itself as not a contract.

  3. March 25, 2021

    Northeastern Students Say Force Majeure Pact Too Flimsy

    Northeastern University students seeking refunds for the virtual spring 2020 semester told a federal judge Wednesday that a purported force majeure disclaimer buried in the school's online portal is too inconspicuous and one-sided in its terms to be enforceable. 

  4. March 04, 2021

    Northeastern Says Pandemic Isn't Money-Back Guarantee

    Northeastern University wants a pretrial win in a proposed class action by students seeking tuition dollars back because COVID-19 forced classes online, telling a judge Wednesday that its agreement with students bars claims for events out of its control.

  5. December 14, 2020

    Northeastern Must Face COVID-19 Tuition Reimbursement Suit

    Northeastern University will have to face most of a proposed class action suit by students seeking tuition refunds for classes that were forced online by the COVID-19 pandemic, a federal judge ruled Monday.

  6. December 03, 2020

    Northeastern Says In-Person Classes Aren't Guaranteed

    Northeastern University on Thursday sought to duck a suit brought by students seeking reimbursement for classes shifted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, telling a judge it never promised in-person classes under any circumstances.

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