Thomson Reuters Enterprise Centre GmbH et al v. ROSS Intelligence Inc.

  1. February 11, 2025

    Judge Backs Thomson Reuters In 1st AI Ruling On Fair Use

    Tech startup ROSS Intelligence infringed copyrighted material from Thomson Reuters' Westlaw platform to create a competing legal research tool powered by artificial intelligence, a Delaware federal court said Tuesday in a highly anticipated opinion that is the first to rule on whether infringement in AI training is protected by fair use.

  2. January 01, 2025

    Copyright Cases To Watch In 2025

    Several copyright cases involving artificial intelligence are teed up for major rulings in 2025, with attorneys anxiously awaiting what courts have to say about fair use, and at the Ninth Circuit, a photographer will argue for the reversal of a jury finding that a tattoo artist didn't infringe his photo of Miles Davis. Here are Law360's picks for copyright cases to watch in 2025.

  3. November 07, 2024

    Ross Fights Thomson Reuters Bid To Toss Fair Use Defense

    Ross Intelligence pushed back on Thomson Reuters's renewed bid to block it from claiming fair use in a suit alleging that Ross ripped off the Westlaw research platform for its artificial intelligence product, saying in a filing unsealed Wednesday that the output of its tool "did not contain or depend on" any copyright materials claimed by Thomson Reuters, the owner of Westlaw.

  4. October 09, 2024

    Thomson Reuters Again Seeks Win On ROSS' Pilfering

    Thomson Reuters on Tuesday filed a pair of renewed motions for partial summary judgment seeking to block ROSS Intelligence Inc. from claiming fair use, and hold it liable for copyright infringement, in a suit alleging ROSS ripped off the Westlaw research platform for its artificial intelligence product.

  5. September 30, 2024

    AI Co.'s Antitrust Claims Against Thomson Reuters Tossed

    A Delaware federal court dismissed antitrust counterclaims being brought by tech startup ROSS Intelligence in a case from Thomson Reuters alleging ROSS ripped off the Westlaw research platform for its artificial intelligence product.

  6. August 22, 2024

    Judge Delays AI Trial In Thomson Reuters, ROSS IP Row

    A Delaware federal judge on Thursday delayed the first trial involving an artificial intelligence product, postponing a highly anticipated clash in which Thomson Reuters is accusing tech startup ROSS Intelligence of creating an AI legal research platform using copyrighted material from the media company's Westlaw database.

  7. July 26, 2024

    Copyright Cases To Watch In The Second Half Of 2024

    The first copyright trial arising from an artificial intelligence platform could provide intellectual property attorneys with insight into dozens of pending suits against AI companies, while the Tenth Circuit is reconsidering whether Netflix made fair use of a funeral clip in its "Tiger King" docuseries.

  8. September 25, 2023

    Thomson Reuters, ROSS IP Row Must Go To Trial, Judge Says

    A Delaware federal court has mostly denied bids from Thomson Reuters and ROSS Intelligence for pretrial wins in a suit claiming ROSS ripped off the Westlaw research platform, saying it's not the judge's place at this point to "tidy ... factual messes."

  9. September 15, 2023

    ROSS Can't Prove Westlaw Users Mix Software, Reuters Says

    In a suit alleging ROSS Intelligence improperly used its Westlaw platform to create a new product, Thomson Reuters argued ROSS' antitrust counterclaims fail because there is zero evidence that any legal researcher has mixed and matched legal research platforms.

  10. February 24, 2023

    Thomson Reuters Pushes For Wins In IP Suit Against ROSS

    Copying the work of a competitor's editors to create an artificial intelligence-powered database is an undisputed violation of copyright, Thomson Reuters told a Delaware federal court Thursday asking for summary judgment against ROSS Intelligence Inc., which Thomson Reuters accuses of illegally using its Westlaw without permission or compensation to create another product.

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