Mackie v. Coconut Joe's IOP LLC et al

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Case overview

Case Number:



South Carolina

Nature of Suit:

Labor: Fair Standards

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


David C Norton


  1. August 03, 2021

    Beachside Eatery Says Server's Virus Suit Lacks Evidence

    A South Carolina beachside restaurant urged a federal judge to quash a server's claims that he was fired for seeking medical attention while experiencing COVID-19 symptoms at work, saying the worker's lawsuit is rootless and motivated by "personal vendetta."

  2. July 10, 2020

    Server Says Getting Screened For Virus Caused His Firing

    A beachside restaurant near Charleston, South Carolina, has been sued by a former server who says he was fired after he left work to get tested for COVID-19, invoking a new law Congress passed to let workers take job-protected leave to deal with the novel coronavirus.

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