Arizona Board of Regents v. Doe et al

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Case overview

Case Number:




Nature of Suit:

Property Rights: Trademark


Dominic W Lanza



Sectors & Industries:

  1. August 18, 2021

    ASU Loses TM Case Over 'COVID.Party' Instagram Account

    A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Arizona State University couldn't use trademark law to sue the owner of an Instagram account that called COVID-19 a "hoax" and urged students to attend maskless parties at the peak of the pandemic.

  2. August 21, 2020

    Facebook Hit With Suit By ASU Over 'Hoax-19' Party Posts

    The governing body behind Arizona State University has sued Facebook and an Instagram account that it claims illegally used the school's trademarks to try to throw a party during the COVID-19 pandemic and claim the virus is a "hoax."

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