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August 16, 2020
In re Google Play Consumer Antitrust Litigation
Case Number:
See also:
Nature of Suit:
Multi Party Litigation:
Class Action
- Altair Law
- Annaguey McCann
- Bartlit Beck
- Cotchett Pitre
- Cravath Swaine
- Faegre Drinker
- Fox Rothschild
- Gibbs Law Group
- Gustafson Gluek
- Hogan Lovells
- Kaplan Fox
- Keller Rohrback
- Korein Tillery
- Leeds Brown
- Lockridge Grindal
- McManis Faulkner
- Messing Adam
- Milberg Coleman
- Morgan Lewis
- Munger Tolles
- O'Melveny & Myers
- Preti Flaherty
- Pritzker Levine
- Quinn Emanuel
- Saveri & Saveri
- Sperling Kenny
- Williams & Connolly
- Willkie Farr
- Winston & Strawn
- Zelle LLP
- American Antitrust Institute
- Epic Games Inc.
- Google LLC
- Nintendo Co. Ltd.
- Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
- Valve Corp.
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
November 14, 2024
'The World Has Changed': Google's $700M Deal Gets 2nd Look
The California federal judge considering Google's $700 million antitrust deal with states and consumers told plaintiffs' counsel Thursday to review the settlement terms to ensure that they comport with Google Play store changes he ordered in Epic Games' separate lawsuit, saying "the world has changed" since they struck the deal.
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