Walker v. Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, LLC

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Case Number:



Illinois Northern

Nature of Suit:

710 Labor: Fair Standards

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Honorable Lindsay C. Jenkins


  1. December 03, 2024

    Walgreens Settles Call Center Workers' Unpaid OT Suit

    An Illinois federal judge signed off Tuesday on a $460,000 agreement to settle a nationwide collective action of Walgreens call center workers who claimed they were unlawfully required to perform unpaid work before and after their shifts.

  2. August 21, 2023

    Walgreens Can't Yet Challenge FLSA Collective In OT Suit

    An Illinois federal judge allowed the bulk of a proposed nationwide wage collective action of Walgreens call center workers to continue, ruling it is too early to determine whether the collective can include out-of-state workers while telling them to refile their overtime claim for lack of detail.

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