Strifling et al v. Twitter Inc.

  1. October 04, 2024

    Former X Worker's 2 Sex Bias Suits Will Go To Same Judge

    A San Francisco federal judge said Friday that a former X Corp. engineer's lawsuit claiming Elon Musk laid off more women than men after acquiring the company belonged with a similar case the worker filed in San Jose federal court — but chided both sides, saying "nobody's being terribly reasonable."

  2. August 27, 2024

    X Wins Dismissal of Former Workers' Sex Bias Suit, For Now

    A California federal judge agreed to throw out former X Corp. workers' suit claiming Elon Musk's takeover of the company formerly named Twitter caused women to lose their jobs, but the judge gave the workers another opportunity to amend their claims.

  3. February 26, 2024

    Ex-Workers Fight X's Bid To Toss Sex Bias Suit

    Former X Corp. workers urged a California federal court to keep in play their lawsuit alleging that Elon Musk's takeover of the company formerly known as Twitter caused women to lose their jobs, saying they put forward enough detail to survive the company's motion to dismiss.

  4. February 12, 2024

    X Says Ex-Workers' New Sex Bias Complaint Is Still Deficient

    X Corp. urged a California federal court to throw out a proposed class action alleging that Elon Musk's takeover of the company formerly known as Twitter predominantly impacted women through an ensuing culture shift and mass layoffs, saying a new complaint does not fix flaws identified in a previous effort.

  5. May 09, 2023

    Twitter Gets Layoffs Sex Bias Suit Tossed Out

    Twitter dodged a proposed class action that claimed mass layoffs and a culture shift that followed Elon Musk's acquisition of the company were disproportionately harmful to female workers, with a California federal judge ruling the suit lacked enough detail to move forward.

  6. January 27, 2023

    Twitter Says Sex Bias Suit Over Layoffs Comes Up Short

    Twitter urged a California federal court to toss a proposed class action alleging female workers were hurt more than men by the mass layoffs and a change in company culture that followed the social media giant's acquisition by Elon Musk, arguing the suit is too short on specifics to move forward.

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