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Main Sequence, Ltd. et al v. Dudesy, LLC et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
April 02, 2024
Podcast Agrees To Ax AI-Generated George Carlin Special
The makers of Dudesy, a comedy podcast created and written by artificial intelligence, have agreed to take down a fake comedy special that "resurrected" George Carlin and to refrain from using the late comedian's image, voice and likeness without permission, Carlin's estate told a California federal judge Tuesday.
January 26, 2024
George Carlin Estate Sues Over AI-Generated Comedy Special
The estate of late comedian George Carlin on Thursday sued the makers of Dudesy, a comedy podcast created and written by artificial intelligence, after it "resurrected" Carlin by using his copyrighted works, creating a script for a fake comedy special and mimicking the sound of his voice to "perform" the script.