Lehrman et al v. Lovo, Inc.

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Case Number:



New York Southern

Nature of Suit:


Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


J. Paul Oetken


  1. November 27, 2024

    AI Co. Seeks To Dismiss Actors' Class Action Over Voice Use

    A startup that makes software to create voice-over narrations has asked a Manhattan federal judge to dismiss an amended class action that accuses the company of using actors' voices without permission, saying the updated complaint takes a "kitchen-sink approach" by adding several claims but "very few new relevant facts."

  2. July 30, 2024

    AI Co. Says Actors Can't Prove Voices Are Theirs In IP Suit

    A startup that makes software to create voice-over narrations slammed a complaint in New York federal court from two voice actors who allege the company has used their voices without permission, saying they have not plausibly claimed that the voices they have heard on YouTube and other places are actually theirs and not a computer-generated synthetic voice.

  3. May 16, 2024

    Voice Actors Say Lovo Stole Their Voices For AI Tech

    Artificial intelligence startup Lovo has been stealing actors' voices for its AI-driven voice-over software, voice actors Paul Lehrman and Linnea Sage alleged in a proposed class action Thursday after they unexpectedly heard Lehrman's voice used in a podcast about the potential dangers of AI technology.

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