Dill v. International Business Machines Corporation

  1. November 21, 2024

    IBM Told Execs 'Discriminate Or Lose Your Job,' Worker Says

    IBM rewarded executives for meeting diversity goals and threatened them with punishment for failing to do so, essentially telling them to "discriminate or lose your job," a white male consultant who was terminated alleged in a suit filed in Michigan federal court on Wednesday.

  2. October 24, 2024

    IBM Pans Fired White Worker's Diversity Quota Claims

    IBM disputed a white former consultant's claim that the company fired him to fulfill diversity targets in a court filing Wednesday, saying the worker's allegations that the company has racial and gender-based hiring quotas are unsupported. 

  3. August 21, 2024

    IBM Incentivizes Biased Hiring, Ousted White Male Worker Says

    IBM financially incentivizes and pressures corporate leadership to hire people based on their race and gender, according to a new suit filed in Michigan federal court by a former IBM employee who claims he was unlawfully fired for being a "double whammy" white male.

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