Class Action

  • February 18, 2025

    Class Action Group Of The Year: Quinn Emanuel

    Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP counseled Hyundai and Kia in the face of consumer claims related to a TikTok trend involving vehicle thefts and attained a $580 million settlement for a proposed class of investors in a collusion dispute with major banks, earning it a top spot among the 2024 Law360 Class Action Groups of the Year.

  • February 18, 2025

    Proposed Tweaks To Del. Chancery Law Ignite DExit Firestorm

    Stockholder attorneys in Delaware pushed back immediately against two state Senate measures that would amend corporation law provisions at the center of recent debate over shareholder class lawsuits, big court awards and recent corporate moves to purportedly more business-friendly states such as Texas and Nevada.

  • February 18, 2025

    Boston Children's Hospital Settles Retirement Plan Fee Suit

    Boston Children's Hospital has settled a suit with a proposed class of participants in its $1.1 billion retirement plan who alleged the hospital allowed excessive fees.

  • February 14, 2025

    Judge Slams The Brakes On Peloton Bike Recall Claims

    A New York federal judge threw out, for now, a proposed investor action alleging Peloton overstated the safety of its bikes before 2.2 million products were recalled over a bike seat defect, ruling that the shareholders haven't adequately alleged the exercise company made any misleading statements.

  • February 14, 2025

    Almost Everyone Hates The Judiciary's Amicus Rule Revamp

    Policymakers for the federal judiciary Friday did what often seems impossible in a polarized nation, uniting powerful advocates for defense counsel, trial lawyers, corporations and consumers on a controversial issue. Unfortunately for the policymakers, those advocates were united by antipathy for major rule changes affecting amicus brief filers.

  • February 14, 2025

    Carnegie Mellon Inks $4.8M Pandemic Tuition, Fees Settlement

    Carnegie Mellon University will pay $4.8 million to settle claims that it should have refunded tuition and fees to students whose classes were moved online at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a proposed class action settlement submitted to a Pittsburgh federal court for preliminary approval Friday.

  • February 14, 2025

    Bed Bath & Beyond To Pay $1.95M To 2,100 For ERISA Class

    Bed Bath & Beyond will pay $1.95 million to settle a proposed class action by 2,100 employees who claimed its 401(k) committee mismanaged their retirement savings plan amid growing financial problems before terminating it altogether after filing for bankruptcy, according to a preliminary approval motion Friday in New Jersey federal court.

  • February 14, 2025

    4th Circ. To Hear Deloitte Appeal Of SCANA Class Cert. Ruling

    The Fourth Circuit has agreed to hear a case that could overturn the class status of SCANA Corp. investors accusing Deloitte of issuing misleading audit reports about the progress being made on a failed $9 billion nuclear energy project, saying it would hear arguments over whether a U.S. Supreme Court model on damages was properly applied to the class certification order.

  • February 14, 2025

    Chemical Co.'s Inventory Issues Led To Losses, Investor Says

    Agricultural sciences company FMC Corp. has been hit with a proposed shareholder class action in Pennsylvania federal court alleging it misled investors about its high inventory levels across its global channels, causing significant losses when its issues were revealed earlier this month.

  • February 14, 2025

    Digital Health Co. Beats Some Claims In SPAC Investor Suit

    A New Jersey federal judge has dismissed, with leave to amend, claims in an investor suit against a blank check company that took digital health equipment venture Butterfly Network Inc. public, finding that some of the shares the plaintiffs purchased are not traceable to the registration statement at issue in the suit.

  • February 14, 2025

    'Not For Sale': OpenAI Rebuffs Musk's $97.4B Takeover Bid

    The board of directors for OpenAI voted unanimously on Friday to reject a $97.4 billion offer from Elon Musk and a consortium of investors to buy the artificial intelligence platform, with the board chair saying in a statement, "OpenAI is not for sale."

  • February 14, 2025

    HuffPost Sends User Data To Microsoft For Ads, Reader Says

    Huffington Post flouts privacy laws by selling and sharing its readers' personal information without prior consent through trackers made by Microsoft, OpenX and Connatix that are installed on their web browsers for targeted advertising and real-time digital ad auctions, alleges a proposed class action filed Thursday in California federal court. 

  • February 14, 2025

    Judge Partly Certifies Ex-Detainee Class In Debit Card Fee Suit

    A Washington federal judge has partially certified a class of former detainees suing the Central Bank of Kansas City, alleging the bank charged them debit card fees to regain access to their money after they were released.

  • February 14, 2025

    Solar Tech Co. SunPower Beats Investor Suit Over Defects

    A California federal court has permanently dismissed an investor's suit alleging solar power equipment company SunPower concealed product defects in order to maintain artificially high share prices, saying the investor has not established SunPower knew or could have known its statements were false when made.

  • February 14, 2025

    CVS Wins Arbitration In Medicare Fee Antitrust Suit

    An Arizona federal judge ordered four independent pharmacies to arbitrate their claims accusing CVS of exploiting a Medicare loophole to charge them exorbitant fees, saying several unconscionable provisions in an underlying arbitration clause could be severed.

  • February 14, 2025

    NHL, CHL Ask Court to Toss Junior Players' Antitrust Lawsuit

    The National Hockey League has asked a Washington federal court to toss an antitrust lawsuit challenging a rule that dictates where junior athletes can play, arguing that most enforcement of the rule took place in Canada.

  • February 14, 2025

    Judge Says Class Waited Too Long For Home Depot Fee Suit

    A Georgia federal judge has granted Home Depot an early win over a proposed class action alleging overcharges on tool rentals, ruling that the plaintiffs waived their claims by failing to provide written notice of disputed charges within the contract's 25-day deadline.

  • February 14, 2025

    Some Discovery On Hold In Abbott Infant Formula Case

    An Illinois federal judge granted in part a request by Abbott Laboratories to pause a shareholder derivative suit over how it managed the 2022 infant formula crisis, allowing written discovery to go on while staying depositions until May.

  • February 14, 2025

    Conn. Diocese Reaches $31M Deal With Abuse Claimants

    The bankrupt Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut, has struck a deal to pay $31 million to sexual abuse survivors, the diocese and its unsecured creditors' committee jointly announced Friday.

  • February 14, 2025

    Defunct Media Co. Agrees To Resolve WARN Act Class Action

    Former digital media startup The Messenger has struck a deal to end a class action alleging it failed to give hundreds of workers enough notice about its impending layoffs and shutdown, the company told a New York federal court.

  • February 14, 2025

    Nonprofit Not Covered For Palestine Protest Suit, Insurer Says

    An insurer said it has no duty to defend or indemnify a social justice organization against a proposed class action concerning a Chicago protest in support of Palestine, telling a New York federal court the allegations against the Westchester County foundation don't fall within its policies' scopes of coverage.

  • February 14, 2025

    DOJ Takes Military Bias Dispute With Nev. To 9th Circ.

    The U.S. Department of Justice said it will appeal to the Ninth Circuit after a federal judge tossed its suit accusing the state of Nevada and its public employees retirement system of overcharging service members for pension credits.

  • February 13, 2025

    Kimberly-Clark, P&G Dodge Tampon Fraud Claims, For Now

    A California federal judge on Thursday dismissed a woman's fraud claims accusing Kimberly-Clark and Procter & Gamble of touting their Tampax and Kotex tampons as safe despite containing toxic levels of lead, saying that the putative class actions she filed lacked details on tests she asserted discovered the lead.

  • February 13, 2025

    9th Circ. Panel Doubts SEC's 'Gag Rule' Violates Free Speech

    A Ninth Circuit panel on Thursday appeared to doubt a First Amendment challenge to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's "gag rule" that settling parties cannot deny allegations against them, as each judge noted that the agreements are voluntary.

  • February 13, 2025

    9th Circ. Won't Undo Meta's $725M Privacy Suit

    The Ninth Circuit on Thursday affirmed Meta Platforms Inc.'s $725 million settlement resolving privacy claims over the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal, finding that the California district court conducted a full review of the deal's terms before approving it.

Expert Analysis

  • Lead Like 'Ted Lasso' By Embracing Cognitive Diversity

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    The Apple TV+ series “Ted Lasso” aptly illustrates how embracing cognitive diversity can be a winning strategy for teams, providing a useful lesson for law firms, which can benefit significantly from fresh, diverse perspectives and collaborative problem-solving, says Paul Manuele at PR Manuele Consulting.

  • 2 Lessons From Calif. Overtime Wages Ruling

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    A California federal court's recent decision finding that Home Depot did not purposely dodge overtime laws sheds light on what constitutes a good faith dispute, and the extent to which employers have discretion to define employees' workdays, says Michael Luchsinger at Segal McCambridge.

  • American Airlines ESG Ruling Could Alter ERISA Landscape

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    The Spence v. American Airlines ESG trial, speeding toward a conclusion in a Texas federal court, could foretell a dramatic expansion in ERISA liability, with plan sponsors vulnerable to claims that they didn't foresee short-term dips in stock prices, say attorneys at Mayer Brown.

  • SVB Ch. 11 Shows Importance Of Filing Proof Of Claim Early

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    After a New York bankruptcy court’s recent ruling in SVB’s Chapter 11 case denied late claims filing requests related to post-bar date events, parties with potential claims against a debtor may need to seriously consider filing protective proofs of claim, says Kyle Arendsen at Squire Patton.

  • Del. Dispatch: 27.6% Stockholder Not A Controller

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    The Delaware Court of Chancery's recent decision in Sciannella v. AstraZeneca — which found that the pharma giant, a 26.7% stockholder of Viela Bio Inc., was not a controller of Viela, despite having management control — shows that overall context matters when challenging transactions on breach of fiduciary duty grounds, say attorneys at Fried Frank.

  • Class Actions At The Circuit Courts: July Lessons

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    In this month's review of class action appeals, Mitchell Engel at Shook Hardy considers cases touching on pre- and post-conviction detainment conditions, communications with class representatives, when the American Pipe tolling doctrine stops applying to modified classes, and more.

  • 2 Rulings Serve As Conversion Fee Warnings For Banks

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    A comparison of the different outcomes in Wright v. Capital One in a Virginia federal court, and in Guerrero v. Bank of America in a North Carolina federal court, highlights how banks must be careful in describing how currency exchange fees and charges are determined in their customer agreements, say attorneys at Weiner Brodsky.

  • Dueling Calif. Rulings Offer Insight On 401(k) Forfeiture Suits

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    Two recent decisions from California federal courts regarding novel Employee Retirement Income Security Act claims around 401(k) forfeitures provide early tea leaves for companies that may face similar litigation, offering reasons for both optimism and concern over the future direction of the law, say Ashley Johnson and Jennafer Tryck at Gibson Dunn.

  • How NJ Worker Status Ruling Benefits Real Estate Industry

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    In Kennedy v. Weichert, the New Jersey Supreme Court recently said a real estate agent’s employment contract would supersede the usual ABC test analysis to determine his classification as an independent contractor, preserving operational flexibility for the industry — and potentially others, say Jason Finkelstein and Dalila Haden at Cole Schotz.

  • Loss Causation Ruling Departs From Usual Securities Cases

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    A California federal court recently dismissed Ramos v. Comerica, finding that the allegations failed to establish loss causation, but the reasoning is in tension with the pleading-stage approaches generally followed by both courts and economists in securities fraud litigation, say Jesse Jensen and Aasiya Glover at Bernstein Litowitz.

  • PAGA Reforms Encourage Proactive Employer Compliance

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    Recently enacted reforms to California's Private Attorneys General Act should make litigation under the law less burdensome for employers, presenting a valuable opportunity to streamline compliance and reduce litigation risks by proactively addressing many of the issues that have historically attracted PAGA claims, say attorneys at Mintz.

  • A Simple Proposal For Improving E-Discovery In MDLs

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    Given the importance of e-discovery in multidistrict litigation, courts, parties and counsel shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel in each newly consolidated case — and a simple process for sharing e-discovery lessons and knowledge across MDLs could benefit everyone involved, particularly clients, say Benjamin Barnett and Shauna Itri at Seeger Weiss.

  • Opinion

    Now More Than Ever, Lawyers Must Exhibit Professionalism

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    As society becomes increasingly fractured and workplace incivility is on the rise, attorneys must champion professionalism and lead by example, demonstrating how lawyers can respectfully disagree without being disagreeable, says Edward Casmere at Norton Rose.

  • What FTX Case Taught Us About Digital Asset Recoverability

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    FTX's Chapter 11 plan has drawn lots of attention, but the focus should be on the anticipated outcome for investors, which counters several myths about digital currencies, innovation and recoverability, says Kyla Curley at StoneTurn.

  • Series

    Serving In The National Guard Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    My ongoing military experience as a judge advocate general in the National Guard has shaped me as a person and a lawyer, teaching me the importance of embracing confidence, balance and teamwork in both my Army and civilian roles, says Danielle Aymond at Baker Donelson.

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