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Class Action
March 12, 2025
Law360 Cheat Sheet: Novartis' Fight Over Generic Entresto
Novartis has led a wide-ranging litigation campaign to block generic versions of its bestselling cardiovascular drug Entresto that has involved multidistrict litigation, trips to several circuit courts and cases against the federal government. Here, Law360 breaks down how the various cases intersect and what's still playing out.
March 12, 2025
3M's $6B Deal In Earplug MDL Cut Federal Caseload 14%
A single settlement produced a 14% decrease in the number of pending cases in federal district courts over fiscal 2024, and that was 3M's $6 billion deal to end multidistrict litigation over its combat earplugs, according to a Tuesday report by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
March 12, 2025
Mercedes-Benz Urges Judge To Rethink Class In Airbag MDL
Mercedes-Benz USA LLC on Tuesday asked a Florida federal judge to reconsider a decision allowing a group of drivers to form a class as part of a multidistrict litigation lawsuit over faulty airbags installed in its cars.
March 12, 2025
Coinbase Escapes Direct Listing Suit Despite New Plaintiff Bid
A California federal court has dismissed a proposed class action against Coinbase over its direct listing following the lead plaintiff's decision to leave the suit when the Ninth Circuit dismissed a similar case brought against Slack Technologies, saying the voluntary dismissal counts as a final proceeding.
March 12, 2025
Judge Says Hospital Orgs.' Input Not Needed In Multiplan MDL
The Illinois federal judge handling multidistrict litigation targeting Multiplan's out-of-network reimbursement rates has rejected two hospital organizations' bid to weigh in as he considers whether he should dismiss the case.
March 12, 2025
Texas Jury Awards Staffing Co. $14M Verdict Against Dynata
A Texas state jury handed a mostly clean sweep to a staffing company that accused market research company Dynata LLC of withholding payment for months of work, awarding about $14 million Wednesday after a trial in a Texas state court that lasted about a week.
March 12, 2025
Del. Senate Panel Sends Corp. Law Overhaul To Full Chamber
Delaware legislation that could narrow stockholder opportunities to sue state-chartered corporations for fiduciary duty breaches or access to books and records moved to the state's full Senate on Wednesday after a less than 90-minute committee hearing that leaned toward the bill's supporters.
March 12, 2025
Ford Can't Get Warranty Claims Trimmed In Transmission Suit
An Illinois federal judge on Wednesday rejected Ford's bid to partially dismiss a proposed class action claiming it installed faulty transmissions in certain F-150 trucks, saying he has an independent basis for jurisdiction over the drivers' Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act claims despite the law's requirement that there be 100 named plaintiffs to proceed in federal court.
March 12, 2025
Caribou Biosciences Brass Face Investor's Clinical Trials Suit
Executives and directors of Caribou Biosciences Inc. have been hit with a shareholder's derivative suit alleging that they overstated the safety and efficacy of Caribou's cell therapy and concealed that the company was at risk of being unable to fund its operations.
March 12, 2025
Adult Website Accused Of Giving Google Shoppers' Sexual Info
An adult website and an e-commerce solutions company illegally share the private sexual information such as the sexual orientation, fetishes and product preferences of the website's customers with third parties like Google to boost the companies' bottom lines, a proposed class action filed in California federal court has alleged.
March 12, 2025
Real Estate Co. Says Commission Inflation Suit Is Untimely
Arguing that the case is time-barred, one of the biggest real estate firms in the Northeast says a Connecticut judge should toss a retooled class action accusing company officials of joining trade groups to press for industry rules that boosted their bottom line.
March 12, 2025
Texas Urges Court Not To Let DuPont Out Of PFAS Lawsuit
Chemical companies DuPont and Corteva are leaning on a "fraudulent transfer scheme" in order to exit a lawsuit accusing them of making and selling forever chemicals despite knowing about their toxic nature, the state of Texas said Tuesday, urging a federal court not to give them the out.
March 12, 2025
Borrowers Claim Cash Advance Co. Charged 1,000% Interest
A prospective class of borrowers has hit Klover Holdings Inc. with a lawsuit claiming that the cash advance business charged interest rates that can reach 1,000% or more, far exceeding Pennsylvania's 6% legal limit.
March 12, 2025
Cisco Wins Exit From Ex-Workers' BlackRock 401(k) Fund Suit
A California federal judge permanently tossed a proposed class action from ex-Cisco workers alleging their former employer mismanaged its 401(k) by keeping underperforming BlackRock target-date funds in the plan, finding their claims were still lacking despite multiple chances at amendment.
March 12, 2025
Customer Says Wells Fargo Colludes With AAA In Arbitrations
The lead plaintiff in a proposed class action accusing Wells Fargo and the American Arbitration Association of colluding to fraudulently induce consumers into accepting an unfair arbitration process has urged a California federal judge to deny their attempts to toss the lawsuit.
March 12, 2025
NCAA Volunteer Coaches Get Class Cert. In Antitrust Fight
A California federal judge on Tuesday certified a class of potentially thousands of former NCAA Division I volunteer coaches who allege the athletic organization's now-repealed bylaw illegally suppressed their wages in violation of antitrust laws, and the judge also refused to exclude the class's damages report by a Princeton University professor.
March 12, 2025
Property Tax Can Fund Retired Cops' Insurance, Panel Says
A Michigan state appeals court on Tuesday said property taxes imposed by four municipalities to cover the cost of health insurance for retired firefighters and police officers are not illegal, finding a law established before a constitutional amendment barring new taxes without a public vote allowed taxation for broad retirement benefits.
March 12, 2025
Mallinckrodt Investors Ask NJ Court To Approve $46M Deal
A group of Mallinckrodt PLC investors has asked a New Jersey federal judge to grant final approval to a $46 million settlement they reached with executives and directors of the pharmaceutical company to resolve claims that they misrepresented the prospects of a drug the company developed.
March 12, 2025
Railroad Worker Says Board Schemed To Overtax Retirees
Retired railroad workers were incorrectly directed by the federal retirement board overseeing their funds to report millions of dollars in nontaxable benefits as taxable income in a scheme to line the board's pockets, a retiree said in a proposed class action in Texas federal court.
March 12, 2025
BofA, Merrill Defeat Ex-Adviser's Deferred Compensation Suit
Bank of America and investment management subsidiary Merrill defeated a former financial adviser's suit claiming deferred compensation he'd earned was unlawfully revoked when he left the company, with a North Carolina federal court finding the money didn't qualify as retirement funds covered by benefits law.
March 12, 2025
Pot Co. Wants Ill. THC Potency Suit Tossed
Vape oil maker Ascend Wellness Holdings Inc. and its affiliates are urging an Illinois federal judge to throw out a suit alleging it mislabels its vape oils as cannabis concentrates, saying the state's cannabis statutes don't allow for private citizens to seek enforcement through lawsuits.
March 12, 2025
Ga. Appeals Court Backs Class Cert. In Vehicle Booting Case
A Georgia Court of Appeals panel backed a truck driver's bid for class certification in a suit that alleges an Atlanta-based impound company unlawfully booted over 1,000 vehicles without authorization from local governments.
March 12, 2025
Luxottica Drops Appeal On ERISA Suit's Arbitrability
Luxottica shuttered its appeal of a New York federal judge's order that the company could not compel arbitration of a worker's representative claims that it violated federal benefits law by using outdated mortality data to calculate pensions benefits.
March 11, 2025
Telescope Buyers Get Class Certification In Antitrust Dispute
A California federal judge on Monday certified a class of telescope buyers in an antitrust lawsuit saying a syndicate of manufacturers were price-fixing and scheming to monopolize the telescope market, accepting an expert opinion's methods for calculating classwide antitrust damages.
March 11, 2025
Northrop Grumman Mishandled Benefits Plan, Ex-Workers Say
Former Northrop Grumman employees on Tuesday lodged a proposed class action accusing the aerospace and defense giant of mishandling an employee retirement plan's assets, telling a Virginia federal court that the company failed to act in the best interest of the plan's beneficiaries by repeatedly prioritizing offsetting employer contributions to the plan.
Expert Analysis
Lights, Camera, Ethics? TV Lawyers Tend To Set Bad Example
Though fictional movies and television shows portraying lawyers are fun to watch, Hollywood’s inaccurate depictions of legal ethics can desensitize attorneys to ethics violations and lead real-life clients to believe that good lawyers take a scorched-earth approach, says Nancy Rapoport at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Accountant-Owned Law Firms Could Blur Ethical Lines
KPMG’s recent application to open a legal practice in Arizona represents the first overture by an accounting firm to take advantage of the state’s relaxed law firm ownership rules, but enforcing and supervising the practice of law by nonattorneys could prove particularly challenging, says Seth Laver at Goldberg Segalla.
The Post-Macquarie Securities Fraud-By-Omission Landscape
While the U.S. Supreme Court's 2024 opinion in Macquarie v. Moab distinguished inactionable "pure omissions" from actionable "half-truths," the line between the two concepts in practice is still unclear, presenting challenges for lower courts parsing statements that often fall within the gray area of "misleading by omission," say attorneys at Katten.
AI Will Soon Transform The E-Discovery Industrial Complex
Todd Itami at Covington discusses how generative artificial intelligence will reshape the current e-discovery paradigm, replacing the blunt instrument of data handling with a laser scalpel of fully integrated enterprise solutions — after first making e-discovery processes technically and legally harder.
Managing Transatlantic Antitrust Investigations And Litigation
As transatlantic competition regulators cooperate more closely and European antitrust investigations increasingly spark follow-up civil suits in the U.S., companies must understand how to simultaneously juggle high-stakes multigovernment investigations and manage the risks of expensive new claims across jurisdictions, say lawyers at Paul Weiss.
When Innovation Overwhelms The Rule Of Law
In an era where technology is rapidly evolving and artificial intelligence is seemingly everywhere, it’s worth asking if the law — both substantive precedent and procedural rules — can keep up with the light speed of innovation, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.
Imagine The Possibilities Of Openly Autistic Lawyering
Andi Mazingo at Lumen Law, who was diagnosed with autism about midway through her career, discusses how the legal profession can create inclusive workplaces that empower openly autistic lawyers and enhance innovation, and how neurodivergent attorneys can navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with disclosing one’s diagnosis.
Parsing 3rd Circ. Ruling On Cannabis, Employee Private Suits
The Third Circuit recently upheld a decision that individuals don't have a private right of action for alleged violations of New Jersey's Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act, but employers should stay informed as the court encouraged the state Legislature to amend the law, say attorneys at Mandelbaum Barrett.
Documentary Filmmaking Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Becoming a documentary filmmaker has allowed me to merge my legal expertise with my passion for storytelling, and has helped me to hone negotiation, critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are important to both endeavors, says Robert Darwell at Sheppard Mullin.
Litigation Funding Disclosure Debate: Strategy Considerations
In the ongoing debate over whether courts should require disclosure of litigation funding, funders and plaintiffs tend to argue against such mandates, but voluntarily disclosing limited details about a funding arrangement can actually confer certain benefits to plaintiffs in some scenarios, say Andrew Stulce and Marc Cavan at Longford Capital.
Justices Likely To Stay In ERISA's Bounds On Pleadings
The arguments in Cunningham v. Cornell showed the U.S. Supreme Court's willingness to resolve a circuit split regarding Employee Retirement Income Security Act pleading standards by staying within ERISA's confines, while instructing courts regarding what must be pled to survive a motion to dismiss, says Ryan Curtis at Fennemore Craig.
Adventure Photography Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Photographing nature everywhere from Siberia to Cuba and Iceland to Rwanda provides me with a constant reminder to refresh, refocus and rethink the legal issues that my clients face, says Richard Birmingham at Davis Wright.
High Court Could Further Limit Deference With TCPA Fax Case
The Supreme Court's decision to hear McLaughlin Chiropractic Associates v. McKesson, a case involving alleged junk faxes that centers whether district courts are bound by Federal Communications Commission rules, offers the court a chance to possibly further limit the judicial deference afforded to federal agency interpretations of statutes, says Samantha Duke at Rumberger Kirk.
5 Ways To Create Effective Mock Assignments For Associates
In order to effectively develop associates’ critical thinking skills, firms should design mock assignments that contain a few key ingredients, from messy fact patterns to actionable feedback, says Abdi Shayesteh at AltaClaro.
And Now A Word From The Panel: How MDLs Fared In 2024
A significant highlight of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation's practice during 2024 was the increase in the percentage of new MDL petitions granted by the panel, with 25 granted and only eight denied — one of the highest grant rates in years, says Alan Rothman at Sidley.