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November 19, 2024
FCC To Vote On More Credit Options To Back Broadband Aid
The Federal Communications Commission is poised to allow more financial institutions to issue letters of credit that broadband providers can rely on to secure federal funding for high-speed infrastructure projects.
November 19, 2024
Flooring Co. Asks 11th Circ. To Back 'Inebriated' CEO's Ouster
Flooring manufacturer Interface Inc. told the Eleventh Circuit Tuesday it stands by its decision to fire its CEO after he allegedly got drunk and berated a subordinate at a company function, urging a three-judge panel to affirm a summary judgment ruling that put an end to the former executive's $100 million suit.
November 19, 2024
RFK Stadium Bill Passes Committee, Full Senate Vote Is Next
A bill that would give the Washington, D.C., city government control over land that could be home to a new stadium for the NFL's Commanders passed overwhelmingly Tuesday morning by the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, moving it to the full Senate for approval.
November 19, 2024
Treasury Finalizes Partnership Tax Credit 'Direct Pay' Regs
The U.S. Treasury Department finalized regulations Tuesday to make it easier for tax-exempt entities that co-own development projects to qualify for a direct cash payment of clean energy tax credits by electing out of their partnership tax status.
November 18, 2024
Monsanto PCB Jury Hears About Ex-Schoolchildren's Illness
Four teenagers and a mother suing Monsanto over PCB damage at their former school took the stand Monday to testify, some tearfully, about physical and mental maladies they believe stem from exposure to decades-old light fixture fluid.
November 18, 2024
Trump Taps Fox Host Sean Duffy For Transportation Secretary
President-elect Donald Trump announced Monday he will nominate former Wisconsin congressman and Fox Business host Sean Duffy to serve as head of the U.S. Department of Transportation.
November 18, 2024
Bannon's 'We Build The Wall' Trial Delayed Until 2025
A New York state judge on Monday agreed to push to February the criminal trial of Steve Bannon over an alleged scheme to con donors seeking to fund new segments of the U.S. border wall, while also allowing prosecutors to introduce additional financial records at trial.
November 18, 2024
Colo. Justices Should Plug Damages Cap 'Loophole,' Co. Says
A construction company has urged Colorado's justices to find that a subcontractor's claim over a workplace fall is subject to a $15,000 damages cap, arguing in a petition that the sole proprietor opted out of workers' compensation benefits and can't make a "loophole" to sue for millions.
November 18, 2024
Former GE Exec Guilty Of Faking Docs In $1.1B Power Deal
A Manhattan federal jury on Monday convicted a former GE Power executive of using forged documents, then taking a $5 million kickback, in what federal prosecutors called a corrupt effort to close a $1.1 billion energy deal in Angola.
November 18, 2024
PPG Says Manager Stole Sales Data In Incora Move
PPG Industries Inc. hit its competitor Incora and a former sales manager who joined the latter company earlier this year with a trade secrets lawsuit Friday, alleging that its onetime employee absconded with PPG's "highly proprietary" pricing platform to help Incora move in on the company's markets.
November 18, 2024
Latham Leads Invitation Homes In $200M Acquisition JV
Latham & Watkins LLP advised Invitation Homes in forming a joint venture announced Monday to buy $200 million worth of newly constructed homes.
November 15, 2024
Real Estate Recap: Industry Leaders Weigh In
Catch up on this past week's key developments by state from Law360 Real Estate Authority — including President-elect Donald Trump's industry pick for Middle East special envoy, a playbook on commercial real estate distress from BigLaw leaders and one KKR exec's optimism for the end of a two-year real estate slump.
November 15, 2024
Wash. Judge Says Junk Text Suit Must Lose Autodialer Claims
Consumers who were peppered with hundreds of unwanted text messages from a home improvement platform can move forward with their $400 million lawsuit accusing the company of ignoring the Do Not Call Registry, but will lose their autodialer claims, a Washington federal judge has ruled.
November 15, 2024
Political Fundraiser Avoids Jail In LA 'Casino Loyale' Probe
A former political fundraiser was sentenced by a California federal judge Friday to one year of home detention for facilitating a bribe to former Los Angeles City Councilman José Huizar, the latest in a string of recent sentences handed out to cooperating witnesses in the FBI's "Casino Loyale" probe.
November 15, 2024
Ga. Panel Says Homeowners Must Arbitrate Boundary Spat
The Georgia Court of Appeals on Friday ordered a property line spat between a construction company and a homeowner sent to arbitration, reversing a trial court's ruling that the issue fell outside the bounds of an arbitration provision within the original sale contract.
November 15, 2024
US Courts' Design Standards Increase Size, Costs, GAO Says
A report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, publicly released Friday, has found that the judiciary's updated 2021 U.S. courts design guide would likely increase both the size and costs of federal courts.
November 15, 2024
Another Paul Hastings Int'l Arbitration Atty Joins Linklaters
Linklaters has added a senior counsel in Washington, D.C., who joins the firm's international arbitration practice from Paul Hastings LLP, weeks after that firm's international arbitration practice co-chair made a similar jump.
November 14, 2024
DC Circ. Doubts Standing In Challenge To Grid Project Perk
A D.C. Circuit panel expressed skepticism Thursday that a coalition of energy consumers have standing to challenge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's grant of an abandonment incentive to the developer of an Iowa transmission project.
November 14, 2024
Texas Court Tosses Devon Energy Suit Over NM Rig Injuries
A Texas appeals panel on Thursday threw out a Louisiana worker's suit against Devon Energy Corp. over injuries he sustained while working at a New Mexico drilling rig, saying the trial court was wrong to find that the company had enough contact with Texas to be "at home" and under the court's jurisdiction.
November 14, 2024
Atlanta Developer Says City Dodging Discovery In Property Fight
An Atlanta landowner suing the city over its allegedly illegal condemnation of a disused fast food joint has asked a Georgia federal judge to keep the suit alive, telling the court the city can't win a recent summary judgment bid while discovery remains open.
November 14, 2024
Wash. Justices Grill Lowe's Attorney In Fallen Fencing Case
Washington State Supreme Court justices pushed back Thursday against a stance taken by Lowe's that a shopper injured by a fallen roll of wire fencing had presented inadequate evidence showing the accident could've been anticipated, with one justice remarking that the big box store seemed to "gloss over" key details in the case.
November 14, 2024
NY Contractor Cops To Aiding Theft In Commercial Bribe Case
A New York contractor pled guilty on Thursday in the Manhattan district attorney's commercial bribery case alleging dozens of construction industry defendants conspired to steal from developers in a sprawling kickback scheme involving $100 million in contracts.
November 13, 2024
Telecom Co. Lumen's Contract Breach Suit Survives, For Now
A Colorado federal judge on Tuesday ruled that an engineering consulting firm is liable to telecommunications company Lumen Technologies for damages caused by a subcontractor's faulty structural analysis, but said she couldn't yet rule on whether Florida law and a two-year statute of limitation barred Lumen's claims against the firm.
November 13, 2024
Detroit Fire Fee Ruling Concerns Mich. Justice
A Michigan Supreme Court justice on Wednesday said he was troubled by a lower appellate ruling he said seemed to imply that municipalities can work around a state law barring sneaky taxes, in this case by stating a charge for fire prevention services is really just the cost of a permit allowing property owners to do business in Detroit.
November 13, 2024
Claims Court Denies 'Creative' Bid For Losing Protester's Fees
A government contractor fronted by former Pittsburgh Steeler Rocky Bleier was "creative" in its request for attorney fees following its failed bid protest over a $14.7 million VA contract, but the U.S. Court of Federal Claims rejected the request in an order unsealed this week.
Expert Analysis
As Arbitrator Bias Claims Rise, Disclosure Standards Evolve
The growth in post-award challenges based on arbitrators' alleged conflicts of interest has led to the release of new guidance and new case law on the topic — both supporting the view that professional familiarity alone does not translate to a lack of impartiality, say attorneys at Skadden.
Don't Use The Same Template For Every Client Alert
As the old marketing adage goes, consistency is key, but law firm style guides need consistency that contemplates variety when it comes to client alert formats, allowing attorneys to tailor alerts to best fit the audience and subject matter, says Jessica Kaplan at Legally Penned.
Data Shows H-2B Wages May Be Skewed High By Sample Size
Occupational Wage and Employment Statistics wage data from April illustrates that smaller sample sizes from less populated areas may be skewing prevailing wages for H-2B visas artificially high, potentially harming businesses that rely on the visa program, says Stephen Bronars at Edgeworth Economics.
Walking With My Dog Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Thanks to my dog Birdie, I've learned that carving out an activity different from the practice of law — like daily outdoor walks that allow you to interact with new people — can contribute to professional success by boosting creativity and mental acuity, as well as expanding your social network, says Sarah Petrie at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office.
Could 'General Average' Apply To The Key Bridge Crash?
While the owner and operator of the vessel that struck Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge have sought legal protection under the Limitation of Liability Act, they could choose to invoke the long-standing principle of general average, if supported by the facts of the crash and the terms of their contracts with cargo owners, says Julie Maurer at Husch Blackwell.
Think Like A Lawyer: Follow The Iron Rule Of Trial Logic
Many diligent and eager attorneys include every good fact, point and rule in their trial narratives — spurred by the gnawing fear they’ll be second-guessed for leaving something out — but this approach ignores a fundamental principle of successful trial lawyering, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.
The Art Of Asking: Leveraging Your Contacts For Referrals
Though attorneys may hesitate to ask for referral recommendations to generate new business, research shows that people want to help others they know, like and trust, so consider who in your network you should approach and how to make the ask, says Rebecca Hnatowski at Edwards Advisory.
How 3D Printing And Prefab Are Changing Construction
The growing popularity of trends like 3D printing technology and prefabrication in the construction industry have positive ramifications ranging from reducing risks at project sites to streamlining construction schedules, say Josephine Bahn and Jeffery Mullen at Cozen O'Connor.
Wave Of Final Rules Reflects Race Against CRA Deadline
The flurry of final rules now leaping off the Federal Register press — some of which will affect entire industries and millions of Americans — shows President Joe Biden's determination to protect his regulatory legacy from reversal by the next Congress, given the impending statutory look-back period under the Congressional Review Act, say attorneys at Jenner & Block.
A Deep Dive Into High Court's Permit Fee Ruling
David Robinson and Daniel Golub at Holland & Knight explore the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling that a local traffic impact fee charged to a California property owner may be a Fifth Amendment taking — and where it leaves localities and real estate developers.
Criminal Defendants Should Have Access To Foreign Evidence
A New Jersey federal court recently ordered prosecutors to obtain evidence from India on behalf of the former Cognizant Technology executives they’re prosecuting — a precedent that other courts should follow to make cross-border evidentiary requests more fair and efficient, say Kaylana Mueller-Hsia and Rebecca Wexler at UC Berkeley School of Law.
Being An Equestrian Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Beyond getting experience thinking on my feet and tackling stressful situations, the skills I've gained from horseback riding have considerable overlap with the skills used to practice law, particularly in terms of team building, continuing education, and making an effort to reset and recharge, says Kerry Irwin at Moore & Van Allen.
DOE Funding And Cargo Preference Compliance: Key Points
Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the U.S. Department of Energy will disburse more than $62 billion in financing for innovative energy projects — and recipients must understand their legal obligations related to cargo preference, so they can develop compliance strategies as close to project inception as possible, say attorneys at White & Case.
4 Ways To Refresh Your Law Firm's Marketing Strategy
With many BigLaw firms relying on an increasingly obsolete marketing approach that prioritizes stiff professionalism over authentic connection, adopting a few key communications strategies to better connect with today's clients and prospects can make all the difference, say Eric Pacifici and Kevin Henderson at SMB Law.
Cos. Must Prepare For Calif. Legislation That Would Ban PFAS
Pending California legislation that would ban the sale or distribution of new products containing intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances could affect thousands of businesses — and given the bill's expected passage, and its draconian enforcement regime, companies must act now to prepare for it, say attorneys at Alston & Bird.