By Richard Hertling and Kaitlyn McClure, Covington & Burling LLP ( December 4, 2016, 8:48 PM EST) -- This should be the final week of legislative activity for the 114th Congress, with the House and Senate expected to work through the outstanding items that remain on their to-do list for 2016. Lawmakers are scheduled to be in session until Dec. 16, but resolution and passage of a spending measure to keep the government funded into 2017, the annual national defense authorization act, and the biomedical innovation bill, among a handful of other final legislative items should be finished this week, enabling members to depart Washington, D.C., at the end of this week. Republican leaders appear determined to wrap up a week early to allow more time at the start of the 115th Congress in January 2017 for consideration of resolutions of disapproval of "midnight" regulations issued by the outgoing Obama administration under the Congressional Review Act....
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