What Cos. Must Know About Social Media And Insurance
Law360, New York ( March 23, 2017, 4:02 PM EDT) -- Tweets. Likes. Posts. Shares. Sound familiar? It should, because companies and their employees are using these methods to market, communicate, publicize, research and disseminate information on a daily basis. At the end of 2016, there were 1.86 billion Facebook users, 467 million LinkedIn users, and 319 million Twitter users worldwide.[1] The rampant proliferation of social media use by companies and their employees raises a host of liability concerns that were nonexistent just a few years ago. And the instantaneous worldwide access that social media provides, with the ability to repurpose information in the public domain (i.e., continuous reposting or retweeting), can multiply a company's liability exposure by the mere click of a button. As a result, companies find themselves the subject of claims and lawsuits that arise out of social media use. However, insurance coverage may be available to respond to these kinds of claims....
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