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Food & Beverage
February 11, 2025
Peet's Coffee, Splenda Maker Settle Sweetener TM Row
Peet's Coffee Inc. and Splenda maker Heartland Consumer Products LLC said Tuesday they have agreed to settle a trademark dispute over the coffee retailer's alleged use of Splenda labels to identify non-Splenda sweeteners, according to a one-page order in California federal court.
February 11, 2025
Sen. Pushes USDA Nominee On Plan To Deal With Egg Prices
A Democratic senator from New Mexico has questioned Brooke Rollins, the U.S. Department of Agriculture secretary-designate, on her plan to address the rising cost of eggs driven by a highly contagious bird flu outbreak.
February 11, 2025
Starbucks Fights Fla. Defamation Suit Over Atty's Statements
Coffee giant Starbucks Corp. wants out of a lawsuit brought by a patent-licensing company executive's defamation lawsuit, arguing its attorney was not speaking for the company when she made allegedly defamatory statements in an October news article.
February 10, 2025
Models Say Atlanta Bar Ripped Off Images For Promo Nights
An Atlanta bar was accused Monday of ripping off the likenesses in its ads of five Los Angeles-based models who are represented by a firm that has taken establishments around the country to court on similar Lanham Act claims.
February 10, 2025
Mexico Lodges Bid To Resolve US Biotech Corn Fight
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has applauded a pair of policy changes in Mexico aimed at complying with a dispute settlement panel's decision that faulted the country's biotechnology corn regulations.
February 10, 2025
Former Palm GC's Racial Bias Claim Should End, Judge Says
A New York federal judge has recommended dismissing a race discrimination claim brought by an ex-general counsel for The Palm steakhouse chain's owner while allowing her retaliation and breach of contract claims to proceed to arbitration, concluding that the company's onetime top lawyer had not shown the restaurant had "discriminatory intent."
February 10, 2025
Little Caesars Cheated Workers Out Of OT, Suit Claims
Pizza chain Little Caesars didn't pay workers for the time they spent responding to texts and phone calls outside their scheduled shifts, a former co-manager said in a proposed class and collective action filed in Michigan federal court on Monday.
February 10, 2025
Chubb Wants Depo Of Smithfield Foods CLO In Coverage Row
A Chubb unit facing coverage claims from Smithfield Foods Inc. asked the North Carolina Business Court to let it depose the company's chief legal officer before the parties' upcoming April trial even though discovery for the case has ended.
February 07, 2025
9th Circ. Judge Doubts Justices' FLSA Test Fits Cracker Barrel
A Ninth Circuit judge was skeptical Friday of Cracker Barrel's bid to upend an order granting servers collective status based on the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling that Fair Labor Standards Act exemptions don't warrant heightened evidence standards, telling counsel the justices' conclusion "doesn't seem like a tight fit" for this case.
February 07, 2025
Kroger Chain Says Strike Is Bid To Force 'Multi-Union' Talks
The Kroger-owned grocery chain King Soopers sued the union representing Colorado workers on Friday in federal court, alleging strikes at King Soopers stores in the state are a pressure tactic to "force multi-union bargaining" on the company and other employers.
February 07, 2025
John Deere Tractor Rivals Seek Info Safeguards In FTC Case
A trio of tractor manufacturers asked an Illinois federal judge Friday to impose stringent safeguards for sensitive business information they turned over to the Federal Trade Commission in the run-up to its right-to-repair lawsuit against their "primary competitor," John Deere.
February 07, 2025
Texas Wants 3M, Dupont 'Forever Chemical' Suit In State Court
Texas has asked a federal judge to send its litigation against 3M, DuPont and others over so-called forever chemicals back to state court, writing that the companies are misguided in their "desperate" attempt to send the case to federal court.
February 07, 2025
Project Foes Face Suit Over Pittsburgh Gay Bar Historic Filing
A developer and the estate for the former owner of a landmark Pittsburgh gay bar have sued two residents of the city's Polish Hill neighborhood, claiming they moved to deem the property historic as a ploy to frustrate plans for a market-rate housing project at the site.
February 07, 2025
Excess Insurer Says $50M Bad Wine Claims Not Covered
An excess insurer told a Washington federal court that it should not have to contribute to a settlement after an underlying lawsuit asserted more than $50 million in claims against a vineyard for allegedly damaging over 300,000 cases of wine, because there was no coverage.
February 07, 2025
Del.'s Quiet Ambition To Tweak Chancery, Stem Feared DExit
Anxious over claims that stockholder-tilted decisions by Delaware's Court of Chancery will trigger more companies to follow Tesla, SpaceX, Meta and Dropbox to other states, Delaware policymakers are taking a hard look at the venerable business court's processes, hoping to slow a feared rush to DExit.
February 07, 2025
UK Litigation Roundup: Here's What You Missed In London
This past week in London has seen Investec Bank PLC sue two diamond tycoons, London florist Nikki Tibbles file a claim against an "imitator company," a direct descendant of the Cartier family launch a claim, and a Coronation Street actor hit footballer Joe Bunney with a defamation claim. Here, Law360 looks at these and other new claims in the U.K.
February 06, 2025
Wash. Tribe Can't Open 50-Year-Old Fishing Rights Dispute
The Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe cannot open a new subproceeding in a 50-year-old case about tribal fishing rights, a Washington federal judge has ruled, finding that the tribe's request is "dead on arrival."
February 06, 2025
Tom's 'Natural' Kids Toothpaste Has Lead, Arsenic, Dad Says
Tom's of Maine and its parent company Colgate-Palmolive have "egregiously" failed to disclose that its "Silly Strawberry" children's toothpaste has dangerous levels of lead and arsenic, a New York dad alleged in a proposed false advertising class action filed Thursday in New York federal court.
February 06, 2025
Atlanta Can't Dodge Suit Over Foiled Starbucks Development
The City of Atlanta can't dodge allegations from a property owner that it illegally condemned a disused fast food joint, and in doing so foiled his plans to redevelop the land into a Starbucks coffee shop, a Georgia federal judge said Thursday.
February 06, 2025
Illinois Judge Extends Hold On Swipe Fee Law To More Banks
An Illinois federal judge on Thursday expanded a preliminary injunction against Illinois' controversial swipe fee law, adding out-of-state banks to the list of financial institutions shielded from having to comply with the law when it takes effect later this year, while declining to add federal credit unions to the list.
February 06, 2025
EIP Grows US Team With 2 Pranger Law Attys
Global intellectual property firm EIP said Wednesday it has hired two attorneys from Pranger Law PC, including the head of its patent prosecution team.
February 06, 2025
Abbott Tells Judge To Keep Formula Cases In Federal Court
Abbott Laboratories urged an Illinois federal judge on Thursday to keep six previously remanded lawsuits over allegedly harmful preterm baby formula in federal court after local hospitals' dismissal prompted their second removal, arguing the hospitals were only in the suits to avoid federal jurisdiction.
February 06, 2025
Papa John's Franchisee Fails To Pay All Wages, Worker Says
A Papa John's franchise owner failed to properly pay workers minimum wage and overtime pay and did not provide workers with meal and rest periods, according to a lawsuit filed in California state court.
February 06, 2025
Democrats Press Trump's USTR Pick On Tariff Approach
Senate Finance Committee Democrats pressed President Donald Trump's pick for U.S. Trade Representative on Thursday over Trump's universal tariff proposal and the 25% across-the-board tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports, suspended for one month, arguing that constituents are facing consequences.
February 06, 2025
Ex-Worker Hits Pot Giant Cresco With Wrongful Firing Suit
A former kitchen agent for Cresco Labs LLC is suing the cannabis giant in Illinois federal court, alleging she was wrongly fired after a workplace injury and was not afforded time off as required under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Expert Analysis
How Cos. Can Build A Strong In-House Pro Bono Program
During this year’s pro bono celebration week, companies should consider some key pointers to grow and maintain a vibrant in-house program for attorneys to provide free legal services for the public good, says Mary Benton at Alston & Bird.
Home Canning Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Making my own pickles and jams requires seeing a process through from start to finish, as does representing clients from the start of a dispute at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board through any appeals to the Federal Circuit, says attorney Kevin McNish.
CFPB School Lunch Focus Could Expand E-Payment Scrutiny
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's recent spotlight on payment processing systems used to add funds to school lunch accounts shows its continued ambitions to further expand its supervisory power in the payments industry, all the way down to the school lunch market, says Tom Witherspoon at Stinson.
Use The Right Kind Of Feedback To Help Gen Z Attorneys
Generation Z associates bring unique perspectives and expectations to the workplace, so it’s imperative that supervising attorneys adapt their feedback approach in order to help young lawyers learn and grow — which is good for law firms, too, says Rachael Bosch at Fringe Professional Development.
Congress Can And Must Enact A Supreme Court Ethics Code
As public confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court dips to historic lows following reports raising conflict of interest concerns, Congress must exercise its constitutional power to enact a mandatory and enforceable code of ethics for the high court, says Muhammad Faridi, president of the New York City Bar Association.
What To Make Of Dueling Corporate Transparency Act Rulings
Although challenges to the Corporate Transparency Act abound — as highlighted by recent federal court decisions from Alabama and Oregon taking opposite positions on its constitutionality — the act is still law, so companies should comply with their filing requirements or face the potential consequences, say attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler.
The Pop Culture Docket: Justice Lebovits On Gilbert And Sullivan
Characters in the 19th century comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan break the rules of good lawyering by shamelessly throwing responsible critical thought to the wind, providing hilarious lessons for lawyers and judges on how to avoid a surfeit of traps and tribulations, say acting New York Supreme Court Justice Gerald Lebovits and law student Tara Scown.
State Of The States' AI Legal Ethics Landscape
Over the past year, several state bar associations, as well as the American Bar Association, have released guidance on the ethical use of artificial intelligence in legal practice, all of which share overarching themes and some nuanced differences, say Eric Pacifici and Kevin Henderson at SMB Law Group.
How Biden Admin Has Used Antitrust Tools, And What's Next
The last four years have been marked by an aggressive whole-of-government approach to antitrust enforcement using a broad range of tools, and may result in lasting change regardless of the upcoming presidential election result, say attorneys at Norton Rose.
Cos. Face Increasing Risk From Environmental Citizen Suits
Environmental citizen suits stepping in to fill the regulatory vacuum concerning consumer goods waste may soon become more common, and the evolving procedural landscape and changes to environmental law may contribute to companies' increased exposure, say J. Michael Showalter and Bradley Rochlen at ArentFox Schiff.
8 Childhood Lessons That Can Help You Be A Better Attorney
A new school year is underway, marking a fitting time for attorneys to reflect on some fundamental life lessons from early childhood that offer a framework for problems that no legal textbook can solve, say Chris Gismondi and Chris Campbell at DLA Piper.
Challenge To Ill. Card Fee Law Explores Compliance Hurdles
A recent federal lawsuit challenging an Illinois law that will soon forbid electronic payment networks from charging fees for processing the tax and tip portions of card transactions, fleshes out the glaring compliance challenges and exposure risks financial institutions must be ready to face next summer, says Martin Kiernan at Amundsen Davis.
Harris Unlikely To Shelve Biden Admin's Food Antitrust Stance
A look at Vice President Kamala Harris' past record, including her actions as California attorney general, shows why practitioners should prepare for continued aggressive antitrust enforcement, particularly in the food and grocery industries, if Harris wins the presidential election, says Steve Vieux at Bartko.
This Election, We Need To Talk About Court Process
In recent decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has markedly transformed judicial processes — from summary judgment standards to notice pleadings — which has, in turn, affected individuals’ substantive rights, and we need to consider how the upcoming presidential election may continue this pattern, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.
The Complex Challenges Facing Sustainable Food Packaging
More and more states are requiring recycled content to be used in product packaging, creating complex technological and regulatory considerations for manufacturers who must also comply with federal food safety requirements, say Peter Coneski and Natalie Rainer at K&L Gates.