
  • December 11, 2024

    High Court Urged To Take Up Web Scraping Trade Secret Spat

    An insurance agent is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up his challenge to an Eleventh Circuit ruling reviving software company Compulife's copyright claim against him, saying the high court should resolve an issue surrounding web scrapes of public information.

  • December 11, 2024

    Ga. Judge Refuses To Reconsider Toss Of Patient Data Suit

    A Georgia federal judge has refused to reconsider the dismissal of a proposed class action alleging Piedmont Healthcare Inc. unlawfully shared patients' health data with Facebook via the company's tracking pixel tool.

  • December 11, 2024

    Legal Ed Cos. Shared Customers' Data, Suit Claims

    Two companies offering continuing legal and professional education content have been hit with a class action in Georgia federal court over allegations that they nonconsensually disclosed customers' identities and video viewing information to Meta Platforms Inc. for its advertisers' use.

  • December 11, 2024

    Movie Producer Asks 11th Circ. To Reverse YouTube's IP Win

    A movie producer urged the Eleventh Circuit on Wednesday to revive his copyright claims against YouTube, arguing that the platform has a duty under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to locate additional infringing clips in its video library after receiving a takedown notice.

  • December 11, 2024

    Toyota Must Face 'Parasitic Drain' Claims, Ga. Judge Says

    A proposed class action alleging that Toyota's RAV4 SUV suffers from a known defect that drains the car's battery while shut off was largely preserved Wednesday by a Georgia federal judge, who declined to dismiss all but one of the claims against the manufacturer.

  • December 11, 2024

    Ga. Justices Disbar Atty For Abandoning Criminal Cases

    The Georgia Supreme Court has disbarred a Florida-based attorney in the Peach State after finding he caused economic harm to three clients in abandoning their criminal cases "and even caused one client to experience an extended period of incarceration."

  • December 11, 2024

    After Veto Threat, Courts Warn Need For More Judges Urgent

    Following President Joe Biden's veto threat of a bill to add more federal judgeships, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts warned Wednesday that there is an urgent need for more judges despite the White House's claim that there's no immediate need to create more seats.

  • December 11, 2024

    Bradley Arant Hires Fennemore Craig Tax Pro In Atlanta

    Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP has brought on a former partner at Fennemore Craig PC to its Atlanta office, strengthening its tax capabilities as the firm sees a rise in transactional work.

  • December 11, 2024

    3M Gets Georgia Man's $850M PFAS Remediation Bid Denied

    A Georgia federal judge has shut down a proposed injunction requiring 3M Co. and other companies to pay $850 million for remediation of water sources in Dalton contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, saying the named plaintiff doesn't have standing to call for the remediation.

  • December 10, 2024

    Feds Tell Justices To Stay Out Of Climate Change Tort Fights

    U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar on Tuesday urged the U.S. Supreme Court not to weigh in on climate change torts filed against fossil fuel companies, arguing in a pair of briefs that the state court cases aren't the correct vehicles for resolving the issues, at least not yet.

  • December 10, 2024

    Arb. Award 'Unjust' Enough To Toss? Ga. Justices Ponder

    Justices of Georgia's Supreme Court appeared to agree Tuesday that arbitration of a dispute between a medical provider and its contractor unjustly turned into a one-sided affair, but hesitated to endorse the argument that the issues raised warrant throwing out the arbitrator's $1.75 million award in the contractor's favor.

  • December 10, 2024

    Venezuela Oil Cos. Say $23M Suit Wasn't Properly Served

    Two Venezuelan oil companies urged the Eleventh Circuit on Tuesday to undo a $23 million judgment for a Florida-based chemical distributor, arguing neither company was properly served the summons and complaint.

  • December 10, 2024

    Ga. Justices Say Courts To Decide Whether Utilities Are Taxes

    A Georgia trial court wrongly decided it could not judge whether a county's utility rates are a backdoor tax on property owners, the state's highest court said Tuesday, ruling that a restriction on the state Legislature's power to "regulate or fix" rates doesn't bar review by the judicial branch.

  • December 10, 2024

    Tool Co. Fights Bid To DQ Law Firm In Whistleblower Case

    A tool company pushed back on a bid to disqualify a Smith Gilliam Williams & Miles PA attorney from representing it in a former employee's False Claims Act suit, saying documents made available to the firm when a different firm attorney represented the ex-employee in a domestic matter have no bearing on the case.

  • December 10, 2024

    AFL-CIO Backs DOL In Effort To Keep H-2A Labor Rule Alive

    The AFL-CIO on Tuesday backed the U.S. Department of Labor's efforts to toss a suit in North Carolina federal court challenging the department's final rule protecting union-related activities for agricultural workers on seasonal H-2A visas, saying that it doesn't violate federal labor law.

  • December 10, 2024

    Movie Producer Asks 11th Circ. To Revive Defamation Claim

    A Hollywood movie producer urged the Eleventh Circuit on Tuesday to revive his defamation suit against The Hollywood Reporter over a story about a feud with another producer, but the appellate judges voiced skepticism about his argument that Florida law, and not California law, applies to the claim.

  • December 10, 2024

    Mountain West Calls Trans Athlete Suit Moot After Tournament

    The Mountain West Conference wants the Tenth Circuit to end a bid to obtain a restraining order that would have prevented a San Jose State University transgender volleyball player from participating in a now-finished tournament, arguing the point is moot and the case should be tossed.

  • December 10, 2024

    NY DA Says Trump's 'President-Elect Immunity Does Not Exist'

    Prosecutors told the New York state judge presiding over Donald Trump's hush money case that "president-elect immunity does not exist" and that the court could delay sentencing — or even "terminate" the case without dismissing it.

  • December 10, 2024

    Ga. Justices Reject Bid To Overturn Judicial Election Win

    The Georgia Supreme Court dismissed a bid to overturn the May election of Jeffrey Davis as a state appellate judge because Davis allegedly wasn't a Peach State resident, finding Tuesday the challengers didn't use "every available means" to resolve their allegations prior to the election.

  • December 10, 2024

    Biden Threatens To Veto Bipartisan Effort To Add Judgeships

    The White House on Tuesday threatened to veto legislation that would increase the number of federal judgeships nationwide after the measure lost support among Democrats postelection.

  • December 10, 2024

    High Court Bars Judicial Review Of Revoked Visa Petitions

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday held that revocations of previously approved visa petitions cannot be appealed in federal courts because they are discretionary agency decisions that are not subject to judicial review.

  • December 09, 2024

    Pro Se Giuliani Says 4 Attys Turned Him Down, Blames Judge

    Rudy Giuliani on Monday secured extra time to fight Georgia poll workers' request that he be held in civil contempt, time Giuliani argued he needed because he's struggling to find an attorney to represent him in the case thanks to a D.C. federal judge being "biased about Trump-related matters."

  • December 09, 2024

    Ex-Savannah State University Professor Sues For Racial Bias

    A Chinese-born former business professor at Savannah State University has filed suit in Georgia federal court alleging the university engaged in racial discrimination by failing to renew her teaching contract and then retaliating when she complained.

  • December 09, 2024

    Key House Dem Thinks Biden Will Veto Bill To Add Judges

    The House is poised to vote on a bipartisan bill to add the much-sought additional judgeships, but President Joe Biden's support is in question.

  • December 09, 2024

    EEOC Accuses Staffing Cos. Of Disability Bias Against Welder

    Two staffing companies were hit with a lawsuit Monday in Georgia federal court by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for allegedly rescinding a welding job offer at a sawmill to an applicant based on a prior knee injury, despite the applicant being capable of performing the job duties.

Expert Analysis

  • The Challenges SEC's Climate Disclosure Rule May Face

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    Attorneys at Debevoise examine potential legal challenges to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's new climate-related disclosure rule — against which nine suits have already been filed — including arguments under the Administrative Procedure Act, the major questions doctrine, the First Amendment and the nondelegation doctrine.

  • Class Actions At The Circuit Courts: March Lessons

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    In this month's review of class action appeals, Mitchell Engel at Shook Hardy discusses four notable circuit court decisions on topics from consumer fraud to employment — and provides key takeaways for counsel on issues including coercive communications with putative class members and Article III standing at the class certification stage.

  • Spartan Arbitration Tactics Against Well-Funded Opponents

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    Like the ancient Spartans who held off a numerically superior Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, trial attorneys and clients faced with arbitration against an opponent with a bigger war chest can take a strategic approach to create a pass to victory, say Kostas Katsiris and Benjamin Argyle at Venable.

  • What Recent Study Shows About AI's Promise For Legal Tasks

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    Amid both skepticism and excitement about the promise of generative artificial intelligence in legal contexts, the first randomized controlled trial studying its impact on basic lawyering tasks shows mixed but promising results, and underscores the need for attorneys to proactively engage with AI, says Daniel Schwarcz at University of Minnesota Law School.

  • Avoiding Jurisdictional Risks From Execs' Remote Work

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    Following a California federal court's recent decision in Evans v. Cardlytics — where the case was remanded to state court because the company’s executives worked remotely in California — there are several steps employers can take to ensure they will not be exposed to unfavored jurisdictions, says Eric Fox at Quarles & Brady.

  • 11th Circ. FMLA Ruling Deepens Divide Over Causation

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    The Eleventh Circuit's recent ruling in Lapham v. Walgreen distinguishes the circuit as the loudest advocate for the but-for causation standard for assessing Family and Medical Leave Act retaliation claims, though employers in other jurisdictions may encounter less favorable standards and the U.S. Supreme Court will likely have to address the circuit split eventually, say attorneys at Benesch.

  • Litigation Inspiration: A Source Of Untapped Fulfillment

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    As increasing numbers of attorneys struggle with stress and mental health issues, business litigators can find protection against burnout by remembering their important role in society — because fulfillment in one’s work isn’t just reserved for public interest lawyers, say Bennett Rawicki and Peter Bigelow at Hilgers Graben.

  • Series

    Skiing Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    A lifetime of skiing has helped me develop important professional skills, and taught me that embracing challenges with a spirit of adventure can allow lawyers to push boundaries, expand their capabilities and ultimately excel in their careers, says Andrea Przybysz at Tucker Ellis.

  • Think Like A Lawyer: Forget Everything You Know About IRAC

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    The mode of legal reasoning most students learn in law school, often called “Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion,” or IRAC, erroneously frames analysis as a separate, discrete step, resulting in disorganized briefs and untold obfuscation — but the fix is pretty simple, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.

  • Race Bias Defense Considerations After 11th Circ. Ruling

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    In Tynes v. Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, the Eleventh Circuit affirmed that the McDonnell Douglas test for employment discrimination cases is merely an evidentiary framework, so employers relying on it as a substantive standard of liability may need to rethink their litigation strategy, says Helen Jay at Phelps Dunbar.

  • How Firms Can Ensure Associate Gender Parity Lasts

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    Among associates, women now outnumber men for the first time, but progress toward gender equality at the top of the legal profession remains glacially slow, and firms must implement time-tested solutions to ensure associates’ gender parity lasts throughout their careers, say Kelly Culhane and Nicole Joseph at Culhane Meadows.

  • 7 Common Myths About Lateral Partner Moves

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    As lateral recruiting remains a key factor for law firm growth, partners considering a lateral move should be aware of a few commonly held myths — some of which contain a kernel of truth, and some of which are flat out wrong, says Dave Maurer at Major Lindsey.

  • Series

    Cheering In The NFL Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Balancing my time between a BigLaw career and my role as an NFL cheerleader has taught me that pursuing your passions outside of work is not a distraction, but rather an opportunity to harness important skills that can positively affect how you approach work and view success in your career, says Rachel Schuster at Sheppard Mullin.

  • Perspectives

    Justices' Double Jeopardy Ruling Preserves Acquittal Sanctity

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    The U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision last week in McElrath v. Georgia, barring the state from retrying a man acquitted of murder after a so-called repugnant verdict, is significant in the tangled web of double jeopardy jurisprudence for its brief and unequivocal protection of an acquittal’s finality, says Lissa Griffin at Pace Law School.

  • 6 Pointers For Attys To Build Trust, Credibility On Social Media

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    In an era of information overload, attorneys can use social media strategically — from making infographics to leveraging targeted advertising — to cut through the noise and establish a reputation among current and potential clients, says Marly Broudie at SocialEyes Communications.

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