Medicare Ties That Bind Casualty Insurers And Drug Plans

By Kathryn Bucher and Laura Lee Miller ( May 18, 2017, 11:12 AM EDT) -- It is premature to say whether H. R. 1122, the Secondary Payer Advancement, Rationalization, and Clarification Act (SPARC Act), will be a constructive catalyst for change in the interactions of casualty insurers and Medicare Part D drug plans, both of which play important insurer roles in the Medicare program. Although this bill is not tied to or dependent upon any health care reform legislation, it could get stalled by initiatives to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act or be promoted as a bipartisan opportunity to improve the Medicare program without adding to the federal deficit. Before it can become the latter, certain inconsistencies in the bill's provisions need to be addressed. . . .

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