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December 20, 2024
Biggest Illinois Decisions Of 2024
A U.S. Supreme Court decision narrowing the federal bribery statute caused waves in several high-profile Chicago public corruption cases at every litigation stage, almost instantly making a former Indiana mayor's high court win one of the biggest Illinois cases of the year.
December 20, 2024
Kirkland Steers CCC Intelligent On $730M AI Insurance Deal
Chicago-based insurance industry platform CCC Intelligent Solutions Inc. said Friday it has agreed to acquire EvolutionIQ Inc., an AI-powered claims management platform, for $730 million, in a deal steered by Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Lowenstein Sandler LLP, respectively.
December 20, 2024
Chicago Attorney Indicted On Immigration Fraud Charges
A federal grand jury in Illinois has indicted a Chicago attorney on charges he conspired to file fraudulent employment documents on behalf of nurses from the Philippines in an effort to obtain work visas for them to live and work in the United States.
December 19, 2024
Aviation Co. AAR To Pay $55M Over Alleged Bribery Schemes
AAR Corp. has agreed to shell out $55 million to resolve allegations from both the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S. Department of Justice that the aviation services provider bribed government officials in Nepal and South Africa, the agencies announced Thursday.
December 19, 2024
Ill. Justices Say Judges, Lawyers Can Use AI
Attorneys, judges and court staff in Illinois are authorized to use artificial intelligence in their work, and disclosing such use in pleadings should not be required so long as it complies with professional conduct rules, the state's top court has announced.
December 19, 2024
CFTC Urges 7th Circ. To Uphold $231M Crypto 'Ponzi' Penalty
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has urged the Seventh Circuit to uphold a $231.5 million judgment against a man they say ran a cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme, arguing it is "undisputed" that the agency has authority to regulate the trading of bitcoin and ether.
December 19, 2024
Judge Says Some Paraquat Plaintiffs Being Left In Dark
Amid a hearing targeting fall 2025 for a first bellwether trial over the alleged link between the pesticide paraquat and Parkinson's disease, an Illinois federal judge told plaintiffs' lawyers to keep in better touch with their clients after her chambers received calls from plaintiffs wondering what's happening with their cases.
December 19, 2024
Walgreens Must Face Uninjured Plaintiff's Receipt Class In Ill.
An Arizona consumer who wasn't harmed by her Walgreens receipt's alleged overdisclosure of debit card information has standing to sue the company in Illinois, even if her suit is brought under federal law, a split state appellate panel said Thursday.
December 19, 2024
Teamsters Launch Strike In Bid To Force Amazon To Table
Workers at seven Amazon facilities across the country who have organized with the Teamsters launched a strike against the e-commerce giant Thursday, demanding that the company meet them at the bargaining table.
December 19, 2024
Medical Supplies Giant, Drone Operator File Confidential IPOs
Private equity-backed medical supplies giant Medline Inc. and drone operator Airo Group Holdings Inc. said Thursday that they confidentially filed plans for initial public offerings with regulators, joining a growing pipeline of IPO prospects for 2025.
December 19, 2024
Chicago Hospital Network Strikes Deal In 401(k) Fee Suit
A Chicago-area hospital system has agreed to settle a former worker's proposed class action claiming it failed to secure lower recordkeeping fees for its $1.8 billion retirement plan even when its peers were able to land better deals.
December 19, 2024
Fed, OCC 'Asleep At Wheel' On Merger Policy, Warren Says
Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday accused top federal bank regulators of blowing off calls for tougher merger scrutiny and leaving the financial system exposed to dangerous megadeals, blasting them as "asleep at the wheel" as the Capital One-Discover merger inched closer to approval.
December 19, 2024
Ex-AT&T Exec Gets New Bribery Trial Date After Jury Deadlock
The former head of AT&T's Illinois division, who is accused of bribing ex-Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, will be tried again in June after his case resulted in a hung jury earlier this year, a federal court judge said Thursday.
December 19, 2024
The Top Patent Damages Awards Of 2024
The largest patent damages verdicts of 2024 all amounted to nine figures, largely in line with recent years, with the largest award of $847 million being set aside by a judge weeks after the verdict, reflecting the scrutiny given to sizable damages, attorneys say.
December 19, 2024
Rival Firms End $2M Client Poaching Suit
A lawsuit by Chicago law firm Loftus & Eisenberg Ltd. accusing an attorney with "a very limited skill set" of stealing clients while jumping to Good Law Group PC has been dismissed, after Good Law said the "venomous allegations" were not backed by hard evidence.
December 18, 2024
ITC Nominees Pressed On Tariffs And China
A U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday pressed two Biden administration appointees to the U.S. International Trade Commission on tariffs, China and how they plan on accessing "public interest" in patent investigations.
December 18, 2024
ITC Judge Hands Win To Ericsson In 5G Patent Fight
An administrative judge at the U.S. International Trade Commission has decided that mobile phones sold by Motorola infringe patents owned by Swedish telecom giant Ericsson.
December 18, 2024
Schools Fighting Price-Fixing Suit Face $685M Damages Claim
Students looking to hold a group of elite universities and colleges liable for an allegedly anticompetitive financial aid fixing scheme say they should be allowed to proceed as a class because they'll use common evidence to prove they suffered about $685 million in damages.
December 18, 2024
Pilgrim's Pride Gets Chicken Exit OK Under Contested Deal
Pilgrim's Pride is able to formally duck Sysco chicken price-fixing claims picked up by a Burford Capital LLC unit after an Illinois federal judge once again ruled that the companies are bound by a settlement between Pilgrim's Pride and Sysco that the litigation funding giant contested as too small.
December 18, 2024
FCC Asked To Place Conditions On Skydance-Paramount Deal
Paramount Global's $2.4 billion plan to merge with Skydance Media has gained another critic, a right-leaning nonprofit law firm that wants the Federal Communications Commission to refuse to approve the tie-up without placing conditions on Paramount's CBS.
December 18, 2024
CVS Fueled Opioid Epidemic In Rush For Profits, Feds Say
The U.S. Department of Justice unveiled a suit Wednesday accusing CVS, the nation's largest pharmacy chain, of knowingly filling invalid prescriptions for powerful opioids and ignoring internal pleas from its pharmacists as it allegedly put profits over safety.
December 18, 2024
Dutch Bank Exec Gave IRS Good Tax Tip, DC Circ. Judge Says
D.C. Circuit judges grappled Wednesday with the denial of a whistleblower award to a late Dutch bank executive who tipped off the IRS to tax reporting schemes, with one judge saying during oral arguments that the executive appeared to have handed the agency "gift-wrapped" evidence of wrongdoing.
December 18, 2024
States, Green Groups Drop Suits Over USPS Vehicle Plan
A coalition of states and cities and several environmental groups moved to dismiss their lawsuits challenging the U.S. Postal Service's multibillion-dollar plan to acquire its next-generation delivery vehicles.
December 18, 2024
Ex-Ulta Beauty Atty Returns To Quarles & Brady As Partner
National firm Quarles & Brady LLP has added the former assistant general counsel of Ulta Beauty to bolster its real estate practice group and efforts to advise its commercial real estate industry clients.
December 17, 2024
2nd Circ. Says Sears Trustee Can Keep Mall Of America Lease
The Second Circuit has upheld a district court order obliging the return of bankrupt Sears Holding Corp.'s lease in Minnesota's Mall of America to SHC's liquidating trustee, finding in part the mall's earlier lease was not a "true" contract.
Expert Analysis
Don't Use The Same Template For Every Client Alert
As the old marketing adage goes, consistency is key, but law firm style guides need consistency that contemplates variety when it comes to client alert formats, allowing attorneys to tailor alerts to best fit the audience and subject matter, says Jessica Kaplan at Legally Penned.
Walking With My Dog Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Thanks to my dog Birdie, I've learned that carving out an activity different from the practice of law — like daily outdoor walks that allow you to interact with new people — can contribute to professional success by boosting creativity and mental acuity, as well as expanding your social network, says Sarah Petrie at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office.
Think Like A Lawyer: Follow The Iron Rule Of Trial Logic
Many diligent and eager attorneys include every good fact, point and rule in their trial narratives — spurred by the gnawing fear they’ll be second-guessed for leaving something out — but this approach ignores a fundamental principle of successful trial lawyering, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.
Court Clerk Error Is No Excuse For A Missed Deadline
Two recent Virginia Court of Appeals decisions in which clerical errors led to untimely filings illustrate that court clerks can be wrong about filing deadlines or the date an order was entered, underscoring the importance of doing one's own research on filing requirements, says Juli Porto at Blankingship & Keith.
The Art Of Asking: Leveraging Your Contacts For Referrals
Though attorneys may hesitate to ask for referral recommendations to generate new business, research shows that people want to help others they know, like and trust, so consider who in your network you should approach and how to make the ask, says Rebecca Hnatowski at Edwards Advisory.
Fed. Circ. Defines Foreign IP Damages, Raises New Questions
In Brumfield v. IBG, the Federal Circuit recently clarified which standard determines the extraterritoriality of the patent statute after the U.S. Supreme Court's WesternGeco decision, opening a new avenue of damages for foreign activities resulting from certain domestic activities while also creating some thorny questions, say Amol Parikh and Ian Howard at McDermott.
Being An Equestrian Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Beyond getting experience thinking on my feet and tackling stressful situations, the skills I've gained from horseback riding have considerable overlap with the skills used to practice law, particularly in terms of team building, continuing education, and making an effort to reset and recharge, says Kerry Irwin at Moore & Van Allen.
7th Circ. Mootness Fee Case May Curb Frivolous Merger Suits
On April 15, the Seventh Circuit in Jorge Alcarez v. Akorn Inc. mapped out a framework for courts to consider mootness fees paid to individual shareholders after the voluntary dismissal of a challenge to a public company merger, which could encourage objections to mootness fees and reduce the number of frivolous merger challenges filed, say attorneys at Skadden.
4 Ways To Refresh Your Law Firm's Marketing Strategy
With many BigLaw firms relying on an increasingly obsolete marketing approach that prioritizes stiff professionalism over authentic connection, adopting a few key communications strategies to better connect with today's clients and prospects can make all the difference, say Eric Pacifici and Kevin Henderson at SMB Law.
The Future Of BIPA Insurance Litigation After Visual Pak
A recent Illinois appellate court decision, National Fire Insurance v. Visual Pak, may have altered the future of insurance litigation under the state's Biometric Information Privacy Act by diametrically opposing a prominent Seventh Circuit ruling that found insurance coverage for violations of the act, say attorneys at Jenner & Block.
A Look At Ex Parte Seizures 8 Years Post-DTSA
In the eight years since the Defend Trade Secrets Act was enacted, not much has changed for jurisprudence on ex parte seizures, but a few seminal rulings show that there still isn’t a bright line on what qualifies as extraordinary circumstances warranting a seizure, say attorneys at Finnegan.
Whitewater Kayaking Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Whether it's seeing clients and their issues from a new perspective, or staying nimble in a moment of intense challenge, the lessons learned from whitewater kayaking transcend the rapids of a river and prepare attorneys for the courtroom and beyond, says Matthew Kent at Alston & Bird.
GSA's Carbon-Free Power Plan: Tips For Electricity Suppliers
The U.S. General Services Administration's recent request for information concerning its intent to acquire a large amount of carbon pollution-free electricity over the next decade in the PJM Interconnection region offers key insights for companies interested in becoming electric power suppliers to federal government agencies, say Shaunna Bailey and Nicholas Dugdale at Sheppard Mullin.
This Earth Day, Consider How Your Firm Can Go Greener
As Earth Day approaches, law firms and attorneys should consider adopting more sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint — from minimizing single-use plastics to purchasing carbon offsets for air travel — which ultimately can also reduce costs for clients, say M’Lynn Phillips and Lisa Walters at IMS Legal Strategies.
Practicing Law With Parkinson's Disease
This Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Adam Siegler at Greenberg Traurig discusses his experience working as a lawyer with Parkinson’s disease, sharing both lessons on how to cope with a diagnosis and advice for supporting colleagues who live with the disease.