
  • January 22, 2025

    Equal Rights Org. Sues Illinois Over Demographic Data Law

    A national equal rights organization filed suit Tuesday asking an Illinois federal judge to block the state from enforcing a statute it says unconstitutionally requires its members to publicize their demographic data.

  • January 22, 2025

    Ill. Says Venue Limits Aren't 'Forum Shopping' In Gun Case

    The state of Illinois urged the Illinois Supreme Court on Wednesday to uphold a state law limiting the counties in which plaintiffs can bring constitutional statutory challenges, rejecting one justice's suggestion that the law is an example of "blatant forum shopping."

  • January 22, 2025

    Madigan Used ComEd As 'Personal Piggy Bank,' Jurors Told

    Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and his devoted surrogate Michael McClain conspired to enhance and preserve Madigan's power and line his pockets, both by steering business to the ex-speaker's law firm and rewarding his political allies with do-nothing jobs, prosecutors told an Illinois federal jury during closing arguments Wednesday.

  • January 22, 2025

    Campbell's Soup Store Racks Infringe Patents, Judge Says

    An Illinois federal judge found Wednesday that Campbell and grocery chains Kroger and Meijer directly infringed patents covering gravity-operated racks found in grocery aisles, but shot down the patent owner's bid for a win on the soup company's argument that the patents are invalid.

  • January 21, 2025

    Intuitive Seeks Midtrial End To Robo-Surgery Antitrust Suit

    Before calling its first defense witness Tuesday, Intuitive Surgical urged a federal judge to find in its favor in a trial over claims that it abused its market dominance by blocking third parties from refurbishing a component of its da Vinci surgery robot, saying there's no evidence of an unlawful tying arrangement.

  • January 21, 2025

    SEC Sues Ex-Investment Firm Reps, GC Over 'Sham' Energy Co.

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has accused former representatives of a wealth management firm of selling shares of a "sham" oil and gas company, and separately accused the firm's general counsel and chief compliance officer of playing an "active role" in the alleged misconduct by drawing up liability releases for the firm.

  • January 21, 2025

    Firm Tells Fed. Circ. It Was Wrongly Sanctioned In Patent Row

    Moarbes LLP has urged the Federal Circuit to overturn over $23,000 in sanctions against it for not complying with discovery orders in a door manufacturing patent suit, saying the ruling wrongly relied on a letter from the firm's client criticizing its work.

  • January 21, 2025

    Mondelez Fights Candy-Flavored Energy Drink Label Claims

    Snack giant Mondelez and the company behind Ghost energy drinks argued Tuesday that they should not have to face a proposed class action claiming they illegally market candy-flavored Ghost drinks toward kids because the label wouldn't dupe reasonable consumers.

  • January 21, 2025

    AI Auto Damage-Assessing Giant Settles Monopoly Claims

    Tractable Inc. and CCC Intelligent Solutions have reached a deal to end their trade secrets and antitrust dispute, after Tractable accused CCC of leveraging its dominant share of the auto collision-assessment market to stifle consumer choice and increase prices.

  • January 21, 2025

    Water Main Co. Will Pay $1M After Connecticut Fish Kill

    A water main cleaning company has waived indictment and admitted to a federal charge that it discharged a pollutant into a Connecticut brook while refurbishing a culvert pipe in 2019, causing the deaths of more than 150 fish, according to the U.S. attorney's office.

  • January 21, 2025

    Ex-Cannabis Exec Hit With Insider Trading Charges

    A former executive of cannabis giant Verano Holdings and friends from his country club have been hit with both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit for insider trading, with the government alleging they bought stock in a rival cannabis company Verano had planned to acquire based on nonpublic information.

  • January 21, 2025

    Dem States Challenge Trump's Birthright Citizenship Order

    Eighteen Democratic-led states, the District of Columbia and the city of San Francisco filed a lawsuit in Massachusetts federal court on Tuesday challenging the constitutionality of President Donald Trump's executive order limiting birthright citizenship.

  • January 17, 2025

    Law360 Names Practice Groups Of The Year

    Law360 would like to congratulate the winners of its Practice Groups of the Year awards for 2024, which honor the attorney teams behind litigation wins and significant transaction work that resonated throughout the legal industry this past year.

  • January 17, 2025

    Law360 Names Firms Of The Year

    Eight law firms have earned spots as Law360's Firms of the Year, with 54 Practice Group of the Year awards among them, steering some of the largest deals of 2024 and securing high-profile litigation wins, including at the U.S. Supreme Court.

  • January 17, 2025

    Ill. Court Upholds $6M Award In Fatal Opioid Overdose Suit

    An Illinois state appeals court has affirmed a $6 million verdict in a suit accusing a physician of causing the death of a patient by negligently prescribing opioids despite signs of abuse, saying the verdict was supported by substantial testimony from medical experts.

  • January 17, 2025

    Real Estate Recap: Trump Policy Priorities, Natural Disasters

    Catch up on this past week's key developments by state from Law360 Real Estate Authority — including policy expectations under President Donald Trump and the way natural disasters such as the LA wildfires are shaping commercial real estate deals.

  • January 17, 2025

    5th Circ. Finds DACA Unlawful, Limits Ruling To Texas

    The Fifth Circuit on Friday affirmed a Texas federal court's finding that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is unlawful but limited its ruling to Texas, saying the state was the only one to show it was injured due to DACA.

  • January 17, 2025

    Walgreens Knowingly Filled Invalid Prescriptions, Feds Say

    The U.S. Department of Justice has accused Walgreens of knowingly filling millions of prescriptions for opioids and other controlled substances that did not have a legitimate medical purpose or were not valid, intervening in cases brought by four whistleblowers in Illinois federal court.

  • January 17, 2025

    CFPB Inks $1.5M Redlining Deal As Biden Era Ends

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is poised to collect a $1.5 million fine from an Illinois mortgage company as part of a settlement unveiled late Friday over claims it engaged in redlining, a form of residential lending discrimination.

  • January 17, 2025

    Biden Says Equal Rights Amendment Is 'The Law Of The Land'

    President Joe Biden said Friday that he believes the Equal Rights Amendment has effectively become part of the U.S. Constitution and is "the law of the land," according to a statement from the White House.

  • January 17, 2025

    No Conflict In Judge's Friendship, John Deere, Farmers Say

    John Deere and the farmers suing it in a right-to-repair suit said they have no concerns about the potential conflict of interest an Illinois federal judge flagged, saying there was "no reason" for the jurist to recuse himself, according to a joint letter filed by the parties.

  • January 17, 2025

    MultiPlan Wants Antitrust Claims Over Pricing Tools Tossed

    MultiPlan and several major insurance companies urged an Illinois federal court to toss claims that they schemed to fix reimbursement rates, saying the pricing tools at issue do not hurt the healthcare providers that are bringing the case.

  • January 17, 2025

    P&G Accused Of 'Greenwashing' And Making 'Frankenforests'

    Procter & Gamble is greenwashing its Charmin toilet paper by misleading consumers into believing it is ethically sourced and that the multinational consumer goods company is following through with sustainable reforestation promises, a 48-count proposed class action alleges.

  • January 17, 2025

    Walgreens Can't Hold Great-Grandson To Decade-Old TM Deal

    A federal judge in Illinois has found that Charles Walgreen didn't break the terms of a deal he made a decade ago to not compete with the retail and pharmacy giant that his great-grandfather founded, which is now suing him over his commercial use of his last name.

  • January 17, 2025

    Insurers Needn't Cover Plastic-Maker For Worker Death Suit

    Travelers and Zurich insurers don't owe indemnification to Ohio-based manufacturer Encore Plastics for a suit over a worker's death, a federal court ruled Friday, saying a "direct intent" exclusion applies to the underlying claims arising under an Ohio statute that authorizes employer liability for intentional torts.

Expert Analysis

  • 7th Circ. Exclusion Ruling Will Narrow BIPA Coverage

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    The Seventh Circuit's recent decision in Thermoflex Waukegan v. Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance, holding that the access or disclosure exclusion applies to insurance claims brought under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, departs from the majority rule and opens the door to insurers more firmly denying coverage under general liability policies, say attorneys at Perkins Coie.

  • Series

    Solving Puzzles Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Tackling daily puzzles — like Wordle, KenKen and Connections — has bolstered my intellectual property litigation practice by helping me to exercise different mental skills, acknowledge minor but important details, and build and reinforce good habits, says Roy Wepner at Kaplan Breyer.

  • Texas Ethics Opinion Flags Hazards Of Unauthorized Practice

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    The Texas Professional Ethics Committee's recently issued proposed opinion finding that in-house counsel providing legal services to the company's clients constitutes the unauthorized practice of law is a valuable clarification given that a UPL violation — a misdemeanor in most states — carries high stakes, say Hilary Gerzhoy and Julienne Pasichow at HWG.

  • In Memoriam: The Modern Administrative State

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    On June 28, the modern administrative state, where courts deferred to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes, died when the U.S. Supreme Court overruled its previous decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council — but it is survived by many cases decided under the Chevron framework, say Joseph Schaeffer and Jessica Deyoe at Babst Calland.

  • Opinion

    It's Time For Nationwide Race-Based Hair Protections

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    While 24 states have passed laws that prohibit race-based hair discrimination, this type of bias persists in workplaces and schools, so a robust federal law is necessary to ensure widespread protection, says Samone Ijoma and Erica Roberts at Sanford Heisler.

  • How To Clean Up Your Generative AI-Produced Legal Drafts

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    As law firms increasingly rely on generative artificial intelligence tools to produce legal text, attorneys should be on guard for the overuse of cohesive devices in initial drafts, and consider a few editing pointers to clean up AI’s repetitive and choppy outputs, says Ivy Grey at WordRake.

  • Series

    After Chevron: Various Paths For Labor And Employment Law

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    Labor and employment law leans heavily on federal agency guidance, so the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to toss out Chevron deference will ripple through this area, with future workplace policies possibly taking shape through strategic litigation, informal guidance, state-level regulation and more, says Alexander MacDonald at Littler.

  • Series

    Boxing Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Boxing has influenced my legal work by enabling me to confidently hone the skills I've learned from the sport, like the ability to remain calm under pressure, evaluate an opponent's weaknesses and recognize when to seize an important opportunity, says Kirsten Soto at Clyde & Co.

  • Opinion

    Industry Self-Regulation Will Shine Post-Chevron

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    The U.S. Supreme Court's Loper decision will shape the contours of industry self-regulation in the years to come, providing opportunities for this often-misunderstood practice, says Eric Reicin at BBB National Programs.

  • Justices' Bribery Ruling: A Corrupt Act Isn't Necessarily Illegal

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    In its Snyder v. U.S. decision last week, the U.S. Supreme Court held that a bribery law does not criminalize gratuities, continuing a trend of narrowing federal anti-corruption laws and scrutinizing public corruption prosecutions that go beyond obvious quid pro quo schemes, say Carrie Cohen and Christine Wong at MoFo.

  • 3 Ways Agencies Will Keep Making Law After Chevron

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    The U.S. Supreme Court clearly thinks it has done something big in overturning the Chevron precedent that had given deference to agencies' statutory interpretations, but regulated parties have to consider how agencies retain significant power to shape the law and its meaning, say attorneys at K&L Gates.

  • Roundup

    After Chevron

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    Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Chevron deference standard in June, this Expert Analysis series has featured attorneys discussing the potential impact across 37 different rulemaking and litigation areas.

  • Opinion

    Atty Well-Being Efforts Ignore Root Causes Of The Problem

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    The legal industry is engaged in a critical conversation about lawyers' mental health, but current attorney well-being programs primarily focus on helping lawyers cope with the stress of excessive workloads, instead of examining whether this work culture is even fundamentally compatible with lawyer well-being, says Jonathan Baum at Avenir Guild.

  • Series

    Skiing And Surfing Make Me A Better Lawyer

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    The skills I’ve learned while riding waves in the ocean and slopes in the mountains have translated to my legal career — developing strong mentor relationships, remaining calm in difficult situations, and being prepared and able to move to a backup plan when needed, says Brian Claassen at Knobbe Martens.

  • Unpacking The Circuit Split Over A Federal Atty Fee Rule

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    Federal circuit courts that have addressed Rule 41(d) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are split as to whether attorney fees are included as part of the costs of a previously dismissed action, so practitioners aiming to recover or avoid fees should tailor arguments to the appropriate court, says Joseph Myles and Lionel Lavenue at Finnegan.

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