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Data on cases, clients, outside counsel and individual attorneys collected from active federal civil cases. Reflects only recently published court data; not intended to be exhaustive. Not responsible for errors in court dockets.
- 3 Day Blinds LLC
- 5E Advanced Materials Inc.
- A. O. Smith Corp.
- A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.
- A123 Systems, Inc.
- Aavid Thermalloy LLC
- AB Volvo
- Abatix Corporation
- Aberdeen Dynamics Supply Inc.
- Abington Reldan Metals LLC
- Ablerex Electronics Co. Ltd.
- Acco Material Handling Solutions
- Accudyne Industries Borrower SCA
- AccuStream Inc.
- ACF West Inc.
- Aclara Technologies LLC
- ACS Industries Inc.
- Action Lift Inc.
- Active Minerals International LLC
- Adani Mining Pty Ltd.