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Project Finance
August 30, 2024
Supply, Worker Shortages Prompt 'Rip And Replace' Leniency
Citing shortages of network gear and work crews, the Federal Communications Commission granted additional time, generally six months, for several telecom carriers to comply with their obligations to "rip and replace" Chinese network equipment.
August 30, 2024
Keystone Tribunal Says US Didn't Agree To Extend NAFTA Terms
The tribunal that nixed TC Energy's $15 billion claim against the United States over the Keystone pipeline's cancellation found there was no proof the United States had wanted to extend North American Free Trade Agreement protections beyond its replacement date, according to the now-public award.
August 30, 2024
Judge Unsure Warehouse Antitrust Suit Belongs In Fed. Court
An Illinois federal judge appeared skeptical Friday that a warehouse developer could unravel a municipal contract with several real estate companies accused of violating antitrust laws, questioning if the plaintiff was truly harmed by the deal or a related judgment its rivals later won in state court.
August 30, 2024
Cable Cos. Seek Latitude To Define BEAD Service Areas
If Texas wants to make the most of its $3.3 billion in Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment program money, it should allow participants the latitude to craft their own project areas when deciding which locations to build broadband infrastructure for, a major cable trade group told the state's broadband office.
August 29, 2024
Texas' Anti-ESG Law Is Unconstitutional, Green Biz Org Says
A sustainability-focused business group on Thursday sued Texas state officials in federal court seeking to block a law that restricts state investments with financial firms and businesses that want to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.
August 29, 2024
FCC's New Rules For Rural 5G Fund Stir Controversy
The Federal Communications Commission said Thursday it had adopted a framework for the 5G Fund for Rural America to auction up to $9 billion in its first phase to fill gaps in mobile broadband, but not all stakeholders are pleased with the rules.
August 29, 2024
Quinn Emanuel Seeks DC Circ. Rehearing In $486M Award Fight
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP has asked the D.C. Circuit to reconsider its ruling in a dispute over the firm's authority to represent a port operator in a long-running legal battle with the Republic of Djibouti.
August 29, 2024
Public Interest Groups Back FCC On School Wi-Fi Funds
A trio of advocacy groups have urged the Federal Communications Commission to reject a petition to throw out its school Wi-Fi funding plan brought by the same litigants who also are suing the FCC in the Fifth Circuit over a similar initiative for school buses.
August 28, 2024
Rural Carriers Say Broadband Map Errors Undermine 5G Fund
Rural wireless carriers are urging the Federal Communications Commission to verify broadband map data on its own in order to resolve long-standing concerns that inaccurate industry maps of the country's broadband coverage threaten the effective distribution of the FCC's recently revived 5G Fund.
August 28, 2024
DC Circ. Rejects Challenges To Nuke Waste Storage Site
A D.C. Circuit panel rejected a slew of challenges to federal regulators' approval of a temporary nuclear waste storage site in New Mexico, ruling that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission was right to include forward-looking terms about federally owned spent nuclear fuel in the license.
August 28, 2024
San Francisco NFL Team To Put $200M Into Stadium Upgrade
The San Francisco 49ers plan to spend $200 million to upgrade their Santa Clara, California, stadium with features such as higher-speed Wi-Fi, new concession stands, remodeled luxury suites and upgrades for 13,000 square feet of the stadium's LED screens, the team announced.
August 28, 2024
Greenberg Traurig Builds PE Team With Kirkland Hires
Greenberg Traurig LLP has brought on two fund formation partners from Kirkland & Ellis LLP to continue its growth into the private equity space, according to an announcement this week by the firm.
August 27, 2024
Leave Support For Alaska Connectivity Intact, FCC Told
An Alaskan utility company told the Federal Communications Commission that rules blocking federal funds for broadband build out when there is already an unsubsidized competitor in the area might work fine on the mainland, but would be very bad for Alaska.
August 27, 2024
5th Circ. Holds Mandate In Subsidy Suit During FCC Appeal
The Fifth Circuit has agreed to let the current subsidy for telecom services remain in place while the Federal Communications Commission seeks U.S. Supreme Court review of a ruling that upended the subsidy system.
August 27, 2024
Reports On 76ers Arena Proposal Don't Allay Chinatown's Fears
A series of studies released by the office of Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker underscored unanswered questions and uneasiness coming from the neighboring Chinatown community about the potential effects of building a new arena in Center City, even if it brings new tax revenue.
August 27, 2024
FCC Urged To Include Streetlight Poles In Deployment Regs
It's time for the Federal Communications Commission to clarify that streetlight poles are utility poles as far as the Communications Act's mandates on pole attachments are concerned, a trade group and the country's biggest mobile companies have teamed up to tell the agency.
August 27, 2024
NTIA Gathers Info On Best Techs For Reaching Remote Areas
As the government continues rolling out a $42.5 billion spending program to deploy broadband to unserved areas, the U.S. Department of Commerce has asked the public to help identify technologies suitable for connecting the most remote and hard-to-reach areas.
August 27, 2024
New Jersey Laws Attorneys Need To Know In 2024
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has signed contentious new bills into law recently that attorneys and business owners are adjusting to, including updates to the state's Open Public Records Act that make "fee shifting" more difficult, and a new wage requirement for temporary workers.
August 26, 2024
Cruz Accuses FCC Subsidies Of 'Burning Through Cash'
Sen. Ted Cruz is pointing toward a new U.S. Government Accountability Office report that he says backs up his contention that the Federal Communications Commission's Universal Service Fund is "burning through cash with only minimal government oversight of its budget."
August 26, 2024
Fox Rothschild Lands Condo Team From Armstrong Teasdale
A team of 10 real estate attorneys from Armstrong Teasdale LLP have jumped to Fox Rothschild LLP, where they'll form the core of a new practice, the firm said Monday.
August 23, 2024
Latino Group Seeks Inquiry Into AG Paxton's Voter Fraud Raids
The Texas arm of the League of United Latin American Citizens is calling for a federal investigation into reports of "police state tactics" used by the Texas attorney general's office during its investigation of voter fraud.
August 23, 2024
Texas City Can't Avoid Improvement District Bond Payments
A Texas appeals court has affirmed a Dallas specialty finance company's win over the city of Hutto, finding this week that the finance company made valid transactions despite the city's protests that the bonds at issue weren't valid under state law.
August 22, 2024
Apache Carry Petition To High Court With A Prayer Journey
Members of an Apache nonprofit fighting to save an Indigenous worship site from destruction are making stops to visit other tribes throughout the country for prayers and support as they deliver a petition to the Supreme Court that seeks to undo a Ninth Circuit ruling and block a mining project.
August 22, 2024
Sheppard Mullin's Latest Energy Duo Joins From Locke Lord
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP is continuing to grow its talent in the energy space, announcing Wednesday that it has hired two Locke Lord LLP attorneys.
August 22, 2024
Builder Wins $524M Contract For Cybersecurity Agency HQ
The U.S. General Services Administration announced that it has awarded a construction company with a $524 million contract to build the new Washington, D.C., headquarters for a U.S. Department of Homeland Security agency.
Expert Analysis
Stay Interviews Are Key To Retaining Legal Talent
Even as the economy shifts and layoffs continue, law firms still want to retain their top attorneys, and so-called stay interviews — informal conversations with employees to identify potential issues before they lead to turnover — can be a crucial tool for improving retention and morale, say Tina Cohen Nicol and Kate Reder Sheikh at Major Lindsey.
Ruling In La. May Undercut EPA Enviro Justice Efforts
A Louisiana federal court's recent decision in Louisiana v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will likely serve as a template for other states to oppose the EPA's use of disparate impact analyses in Title VI civil rights cases aimed at advancing environmental justice policies and investigations, say Jonathan Brightbill and Joshua Brown at Winston & Strawn.
Spray Painting Makes Me A Better Lawyer
My experiences as an abstract spray paint artist have made me a better litigator, demonstrating — in more ways than one — how fluidity and flexibility are necessary parts of a successful legal practice, says Erick Sandlin at Bracewell.
Judicial Independence Is Imperative This Election Year
As the next election nears, the judges involved in the upcoming trials against former President Donald Trump increasingly face political pressures and threats of violence — revealing the urgent need to safeguard judicial independence and uphold the rule of law, says Benes Aldana at the National Judicial College.
Riding My Peloton Bike Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Using the Peloton platform for cycling, running, rowing and more taught me that fostering a mind-body connection will not only benefit you physically and emotionally, but also inspire stamina, focus, discipline and empathy in your legal career, says Christopher Ward at Polsinelli.
New Eagle Take Permit Rule Should Help Wind Projects Soar
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's recently issued final rule revising the eagle take permit process should help wind energy developers obtain incidental take permits through a more transparent and expedited process, and mitigate the risk of improper take penalties faced by wind projects, says Jon Micah Goeller at Husch Blackwell.
Spartan Arbitration Tactics Against Well-Funded Opponents
Like the ancient Spartans who held off a numerically superior Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, trial attorneys and clients faced with arbitration against an opponent with a bigger war chest can take a strategic approach to create a pass to victory, say Kostas Katsiris and Benjamin Argyle at Venable.
Takeaways From EPA's New Methane Emission Rules
Attorneys at V&E examine two new Clean Air Act rules for the oil and gas industry, explaining how they expand methane and volatile organic compound emission reduction requirements and amplify U.S. Environmental Protection Agency enforcement risks.
What Recent Study Shows About AI's Promise For Legal Tasks
Amid both skepticism and excitement about the promise of generative artificial intelligence in legal contexts, the first randomized controlled trial studying its impact on basic lawyering tasks shows mixed but promising results, and underscores the need for attorneys to proactively engage with AI, says Daniel Schwarcz at University of Minnesota Law School.
FERC's Updated Settlement Policy Comes With Risks For Cos.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's newly streamlined enforcement settlement policy may increase investigation subjects' regulatory risk, so they should consider measures to protect themselves, such as periodically assessing compliance programs and mitigating any weaknesses, say attorneys at Willkie.
Wildfire Challenges For Utility Investors: Regs And Financing
For investors in public utilities, wildfire liability considerations include not only regulatory complexities, but also bankruptcy claims resolution, financing judgments and settlements, and how to leverage organizational structures to maximize investment protections, say David Botter and Lisa Schweitzer at Cleary.
Litigation Inspiration: A Source Of Untapped Fulfillment
As increasing numbers of attorneys struggle with stress and mental health issues, business litigators can find protection against burnout by remembering their important role in society — because fulfillment in one’s work isn’t just reserved for public interest lawyers, say Bennett Rawicki and Peter Bigelow at Hilgers Graben.
Wildfire Challenges For Utility Investors: Liability Theories
The greater frequency and scale of wildfires in the last several years have created operational and fiscal challenges for electric utility companies, including new theories of liability and unique operational and risk management considerations — all of which must be carefully considered by utility investors, say David Botter and Lisa Schweitzer at Cleary.
Skiing Makes Me A Better Lawyer
A lifetime of skiing has helped me develop important professional skills, and taught me that embracing challenges with a spirit of adventure can allow lawyers to push boundaries, expand their capabilities and ultimately excel in their careers, says Andrea Przybysz at Tucker Ellis.
Can A DAO Be Sued? SDNY Case May Hold The Answer
A case pending in the Southern District of New York will examine whether decentralized crypto co-op MakerDAO is a partnership with the capacity to be sued in federal court, and the decision could shape how legal frameworks will adapt to accommodate blockchain technologies moving forward, say attorneys at Haynes Boone.