Project Finance

  • October 07, 2024

    No Firm Schedule For New LNG Rule, Feds Tell DC Circ.

    The Biden administration has told the D.C. Circuit that it has no "firm schedule" for revising a rule allowing liquefied natural gas to be transported by rail, information the court asked for in litigation filed by environmental groups opposed to the regulations.

  • October 07, 2024

    Pinsent Masons Snags DLA Piper Construction Disputes Pro

    Global law firm Pinsent Masons LLP said Monday it has hired a DLA Piper international arbitration lawyer in London who advises clients on construction, engineering and infrastructure disputes.

  • October 07, 2024

    Don't Overdo School Wi-Fi Lending Restrictions, FCC Told

    An educational nonprofit and school broadband provider are asking the Federal Communications Commission for flexibility in how anchor institutions such as public libraries, colleges and nonprofits can use federal funds to loan out Wi-Fi hot spots off premises.

  • October 04, 2024

    Top 5 Supreme Court Cases To Watch This Fall

    The U.S. Supreme Court will hear several cases in its October 2024 term that could further refine the new administrative law landscape, establish constitutional rights to gender-affirming care for transgender minors and affect how the federal government regulates water, air and weapons. Here, Law360 looks at five of the most important cases on the Supreme Court's docket so far.

  • October 04, 2024

    Mayer Brown Gains NY Corporate Atty From Freshfields

    Mayer Brown LLP announced this week that its corporate and securities group has added a New York-based attorney from Freshfields.

  • October 03, 2024

    12 Lawyers Who Are The Future Of The Supreme Court Bar

    One attorney hasn't lost a single U.S. Supreme Court case she's argued, or even a single justice's vote. One attorney is perhaps "the preeminent SCOTUS advocate." And one may soon become U.S. solicitor general, despite acknowledging there are "judges out there who don't like me." All three are among a dozen lawyers in the vanguard of the Supreme Court bar's next generation, poised to follow in the footsteps of the bar's current icons.

  • October 03, 2024

    High Court Told Bid-Rigging Conviction Was Rightly Tossed

    A former Contech executive is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reject the government's effort to revive his bid-rigging conviction, saying enforcers are asking for a rule that would make common agreements between manufacturers and distributors vulnerable to legal challenge.

  • October 03, 2024

    California Tribe Says Report Shows Flaws In Water Project

    The Hoopa Valley Tribe urged a California federal judge to recognize as fact a recent report issued by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Inspector General, which the tribe argued backs its challenge of the Bureau of Reclamation's management of California's Trinity River.

  • October 02, 2024

    Top 3 Groups Lobbying The FCC

    The Federal Communications Commission heard from advocates more than 100 times in September on the FCC's effort to clamp down on scam robocalls, rules to spur broadband deployment, revamping the 4.9 gigahertz airwaves, satellite spectrum and more.

  • October 01, 2024

    What To Watch As East Coast Ports Strike Roils Supply Chain

    The first major strike in 47 years of thousands of dockworkers on the East and Gulf coasts has left importers and exporters bracing for unpredictable and costly disruptions alongside economic upheaval not felt since the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts say.

  • October 01, 2024

    Phone 'Tax' For FCC Programs Unconstitutional, Justices Told

    Groups challenging the Federal Communications Commission's universal service system urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to throw out the program's funding base, arguing it amounts to an illegal tax on consumers.

  • October 01, 2024

    Ex-Interior Dept. Deputy's Oil Stocks Violated Ethics Laws

    The onetime deputy secretary of the Interior, Tommy Beaudreau, who moved into private practice last year and now co-leads WilmerHale's energy practice, violated government ethics laws by failing to recuse himself from drilling-related matters while knowingly holding petroleum stocks, according to an internal watchdog's ethics report released Tuesday.

  • October 01, 2024

    Treasury Plans Final Direct Pay Partnership Regs By Year-End

    The U.S. Treasury Department is eyeing the end of the year to finalize regulations for development projects to elect out of their partnership tax status to qualify for a direct cash payment of their clean energy tax credits, an official said Tuesday.

  • September 30, 2024

    DC Circ. NextEra Decision Leaves Door Open For Further Args

    The D.C. Circuit effectively kicked the can down the road in August when it nixed Spain's jurisdictional objections in litigation to enforce some $395 million in arbitral awards while declining to issue a merits decision, setting up an enforcement battle that could turn on the underlying arbitration regime.

  • September 30, 2024

    FCC Approves Audacy's Soros Deal, Triggering GOP Anger

    The Federal Communications Commission has given the green light to the purchase of an ownership interest in bankrupt radio station owner Audacy Inc. by a fund manager with ties to George Soros.

  • September 30, 2024

    Apache Tribe Urges Supreme Court To Take Up Mining Case

    The San Carlos Apache Tribe is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a ruling by Arizona's high court that sides with a state agency decision letting a copper mining company discharge treated wastewater from potential future operations into a local waterway.

  • September 30, 2024

    Marathon Unit Wants 8th Circ. To Nix Appeal In Pipeline Fight

    A Marathon Petroleum Corp. subsidiary is asking the Eighth Circuit to dismiss an appeal by tribal landowners trying to intervene in its lawsuit challenging the Interior Department's reversal of prior decisions related to a pipeline crossing part of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

  • September 30, 2024

    $143M Seattle Tunnel Insurance Suit Settles Midtrial

    A Seattle construction contractor that claimed it was wrongly denied more than $143 million in coverage for damage to a massive tunneling machine has settled its case against insurers, the parties told a Washington state judge Monday on the second day of a jury trial.

  • September 27, 2024

    Osage Nation Says DOI Can't Avoid Its $4.9M Funding Suit

    The Osage Nation is fighting a bid by the U.S. Department of the Interior to bring the tribe's $4.9 million lawsuit over self-determination to a quick end, telling a D.C. federal judge that he has the jurisdiction to rule on the case.

  • September 27, 2024

    GAO Says DOE Could Save Billions On Hanford Waste Plan

    A government watchdog said in a report Friday that the U.S. Department of Energy should heed experts who say the agency could save billions of dollars by distinguishing between high- and lower-level waste at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington, one of the biggest cleanups in the world.

  • September 27, 2024

    Puerto Rico Utility Creditors Seek OK For Bond Claims Suit

    Representatives of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority's unsecured creditors are asking a New York federal judge to allow them to contest what they say is the wrongful lumping of $8.4 billion in bondholder claims with their own claims against the utility.

  • September 27, 2024

    NY's Midtown Bus Terminal Clears Enviro Review Hurdle

    The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Federal Transit Administration said on Friday that the agencies have signed the final environmental impact statement for the replacement of Manhattan's Port Authority Bus Terminal, bringing the $10 billion proposed project closer to becoming reality.

  • September 27, 2024

    FCC's Latest Subsidy Fees Disputed Again In 5th Circ.

    A free-market litigation group has filed another challenge in the Fifth Circuit to the Federal Communications Commission's quarterly calculation of fees to support an array of telecom subsidy programs.

  • September 27, 2024

    $36M Oil Cleanup Row Isn't A Case For Fed. Court, Judge Says

    An Oklahoma federal court tossed a pipeline owner's lawsuit seeking coverage from its excess insurers for an oil spill on tribal land that it said cost over $36 million to clean up, finding the court lacked the subject matter jurisdiction to hear the case.

  • September 27, 2024

    Ill. Justices Won't Hear Baker McKenzie's London Transfer Bid

    Illinois' top court has declined to take on a petition from Chicago-based Baker McKenzie urging the justices to send to London a malpractice suit accusing the firm of botching a client's bid to reacquire a Russian coal mine.

Expert Analysis

  • Litigation Inspiration: Attys Can Be Heroic Like Olympians

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    Although litigation won’t earn anyone an Olympic medal in Paris this summer, it can be worthy of the same lasting honor if attorneys exercise focused restraint — seeking both their clients’ interests and those of the court — instead of merely pursuing every advantage short of sanctionable conduct, says Bennett Rawicki at Hilgers Graben.

  • Lean Into The 'Great Restoration' To Retain Legal Talent

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    As the “great resignation,” in which employees voluntarily left their jobs in droves, has largely dissipated, legal employers should now work toward the idea of a “great restoration,” adopting strategies to effectively hire, onboard and retain top legal talent, says Molly McGrath at Hiring & Empowering Solutions.

  • How Act 126 Will Jump-Start Lithium Production In Louisiana

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    Louisiana's recent passage of Act 126, which helps create a legal and regulatory framework for lithium brine production and direct lithium extraction in the state, should help bolster the U.S. supply of this key mineral, and contribute to increased energy independence for the nation, say Marjorie McKeithen and Justin Marocco at Jones Walker.

  • Series

    Fishing Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Atop the list of ways fishing makes me a better lawyer is the relief it offers from the chronic stress of a demanding caseload, but it has also improved my listening skills and patience, and has served as an exceptional setting for building earnest relationships, says Steven DeGeorge​​​​​​​ at Robinson Bradshaw.

  • A Healthier Legal Industry Starts With Emotional Intelligence

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    The legal profession has long been plagued by high rates of mental health issues, in part due to attorneys’ early training and broader societal stereotypes — but developing one’s emotional intelligence is one way to foster positive change, collectively and individually, says attorney Esperanza Franco.

  • To Make Your Legal Writing Clear, Emulate A Master Chef

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    To deliver clear and effective written advocacy, lawyers should follow the model of a fine dining chef — seasoning a foundation of pure facts with punchy descriptors, spicing it up with analogies, refining the recipe and trimming the fat — thus catering to a sophisticated audience of decision-makers, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.

  • Circuit Judge Writes An Opinion, AI Helps: What Now?

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    Last week's Eleventh Circuit opinion in Snell v. United Specialty Insurance, notable for a concurrence outlining the use of artificial intelligence to evaluate a term's common meaning, is hopefully the first step toward developing a coherent basis for the judiciary's generative AI use, says David Zaslowsky at Baker McKenzie.

  • Perspectives

    Trauma-Informed Legal Approaches For Pro Bono Attorneys

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    As National Trauma Awareness Month ends, pro bono attorneys should nevertheless continue to acknowledge the mental and physical effects of trauma, allowing them to better represent clients, and protect themselves from compassion fatigue and burnout, say Katherine Cronin at Stinson and Katharine Manning at Blackbird.

  • 5th Circ. Bond Claim Ruling Shows Creditors Must Be Vigilant

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    In Raymond James & Associates v. Jalbert, the Fifth Circuit recently held that the bankruptcy debtor's indemnification obligations were discharged by the confirmed plan because the indemnified party failed to speak up, demonstrating that creditors must proactively protect their rights, says Joshua Lesser at Bradley Arant.

  • Series

    Playing Music Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    My deep and passionate involvement in playing, writing and producing music equipped me with skills — like creativity, improvisation and problem-solving — that contribute to the success of my legal career, says attorney Kenneth Greene.

  • Contractors Must Prep For FAR Council GHG Emissions Rule

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    With the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council expected to finalize its proposed rule on the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related financial risk this year, government contractors should take key steps now to get ready, say Thomas Daley at DLA Piper, Steven Rothstein at the Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets, and John Kostyack at Kostyack Strategies.

  • How Attys Can Avoid Pitfalls When Withdrawing From A Case

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    The Trump campaign's recent scuffle over its bid to replace its counsel in a pregnancy retaliation suit offers a chance to remind attorneys that many troubles inherent in withdrawing from a case can be mitigated or entirely avoided by communicating with clients openly and frequently, says Christopher Konneker at Orsinger Nelson.

  • Using A Children's Book Approach In Firm Marketing Content

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    From “The Giving Tree” to “Where the Wild Things Are,” most children’s books are easy to remember because they use simple words and numbers to tell stories with a human impact — a formula law firms should emulate in their marketing content to stay front of mind for potential clients, says Seema Desai Maglio at The Found Word.

  • Opinion

    NEPA Final Rule Unlikely To Speed Clean Energy Projects

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    A recent final rule from the White House Council on Environmental Quality purports to streamline federal environmental reviews to accelerate the construction of renewable energy infrastructure — but it also expands consideration of climate change and environmental justice, creating vast new opportunities for litigation and delay, says Thomas Prevas at Saul Ewing.

  • Series

    Being An EMT Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    While some of my experiences as an emergency medical technician have been unusually painful and searing, the skills I’ve learned — such as triage, empathy and preparedness — are just as useful in my work as a restructuring lawyer, says Marshall Huebner at Davis Polk.

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