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Real Estate
February 25, 2025
Insurer Says No Coverage For Atty In $1.4M Bank Scam Suit
An insurer urged a Connecticut federal court to find that it has no duty to defend or indemnify an attorney accused of participating in a scheme to steal $1.4 million from a New Jersey-based development company, saying the underlying allegations don't trigger the attorney's homeowners policy.
February 25, 2025
Chicago Escapes Bulk Of Insurer's $26M Willis Tower Suit
An Illinois federal judge dismissed the majority of a dozen counts brought by Travelers against the city of Chicago and its water district seeking repayment for $26 million in flood damage to Willis Tower, leaving only common law negligence claims.
February 25, 2025
Fla. Bill Targets Last-Resort Coverage For Unsafe Condos
A bill introduced ahead of Florida's 2025 legislative session looks to bar the state's Citizens Property Insurance Corp. from providing or renewing coverage policies for condominiums that fall short of inspection requirements.
February 25, 2025
5th Circ. Declines Real Estate Co.'s Injunction Bid In TM Feud
A panel of Fifth Circuit judges has sided with a lower court's decision that Rampart Resources Inc. should not get a preliminary injunction against rival real estate company Rampart/Wurth Holding Inc.
February 25, 2025
River Agency Says Harvey Flood Dispute Was Already Decided
A Texas river management agency urged a state appeals court Tuesday to shut down claims brought by dozens of residents whose properties were flooded by Hurricane Harvey, pointing to a separate appellate court decision that ended similar claims by many of the same people.
February 25, 2025
Okla. Tribe Can't Revive Creek Land Dispute, DC Circ. Told
The federal government has urged a D.C. Circuit panel to deny an Oklahoma tribe's request to revive its challenge to a decision that rejected its proposed liquor ordinance in a dispute over shared jurisdiction with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, arguing there's no identifiable cause of action that entitles relief.
February 25, 2025
Atlanta Says 'Cop City' Completion Moots Public Vote
The city of Atlanta has told the Eleventh Circuit that the recent completion of its controversial "Cop City" police training center should render moot a lawsuit by noncity residents who had hoped to force a long-stalled public vote to roll back the city's approval of the project.
February 25, 2025
Nelson Mullins Brings On Corporate Ace From Fla. Boutique
Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP announced Tuesday that it has deepened its real estate and corporate capabilities with a new partner in its Boca Raton, Florida, office from Kapp Morrison LLP.
February 25, 2025
Law Firm Leasing Reaches Highest Level Since Before COVID
Law firms in the United States have broken through years of pandemic-related uncertainty about market conditions and the need for office space to record the highest volume of lease activity in more than five years, according to newly released data.
February 25, 2025
Silicon Valley City Planners Say Landowners Can't Duck Suit
A company backed by a group of Silicon Valley business people looking to build a mini-city has urged a California federal court not to toss price-fixing claims against Solano County property owners, arguing that doing so at this point would be "premature."
February 25, 2025
10th Circ. Affirms Falsity Claims Bar Coverage Of HOA Fight
The Tenth Circuit affirmed that two AIG units need not cover a ski resort's homeowners association and other insureds found liable for trying to induce the owner of resort condo units to pay $15.5 million in fees it didn't owe, pointing to what are known as knowledge-of-falsity exclusions.
February 25, 2025
Polsinelli Adds Nixon Peabody Real Estate Atty In Chicago
A real estate attorney who has spent his entire, almost two-decade career with Nixon Peabody LLP has joined Polsinelli PC's Chicago real estate team to continue his work advising clients on a range of issues involving real estate transactional matters, the firm announced Monday.
February 24, 2025
Feds Say Tribe's 'Vague' Claims Won't Save Pipeline Suit
The federal government on Monday doubled down on its attempt to dismiss the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's suit seeking to block an energy company from operating part of the Dakota Access Pipeline, saying the D.C. federal court can't grant the relief requested.
February 24, 2025
US Was Behind Privatbank Nationalization, Suit Alleges
Two Miami-based associates of the former owners of Ukraine's largest bank have sued the U.S. State Department in Florida, saying officials are wrongly refusing to release records showing that the U.S. — not an alleged $5 billion money laundering scheme — was behind the bank's nationalization in late 2016.
February 24, 2025
Okla. Attorneys Say Tribes Can't Intervene In Jurisdiction Row
Two Oklahoma district attorneys are fighting bids by the Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw nations to intervene in the federal government's challenges to the DAs' attempts to prosecute tribal citizens for crimes committed in Indian Country, saying the tribes are adequately represented by the United States.
February 24, 2025
Insurer Needn't Cover Hospital's $2.5M Virus Vax Probe Costs
A Chubb unit has no obligation to pay an Illinois hospital for $2.5 million in legal costs associated with responding to federal and state probes into its COVID-19 vaccine distribution program, a federal court ruled, finding that the policy's $1 million regulatory claims sublimit applies.
February 24, 2025
Seyfarth Hires Veteran Bankruptcy Atty For Chicago Office
Seyfarth Shaw LLP hired a veteran bankruptcy and commercial litigation attorney as a partner for the restructuring and insolvency team in its Chicago office, the firm has announced.
February 24, 2025
Groups Fight Lawmakers' Bid To End Nat'l Monument Power
More than 245 conservation, sporting, cultural heritage and tribal groups are urging U.S. Senate and House members to oppose any attempts to repeal existing protections for national parks and monuments, arguing that 18 presidents have used the law to expand the sites across the country.
February 24, 2025
Texas Bank Fights To Keep $28M In Assets In Ginnie Mae Suit
A bank told a Texas federal court that it will lose $28 million worth of collateral assets if Ginnie Mae secures a summary judgment win in a suit over a vacated first-priority lien.
February 24, 2025
Placement Co. Hit With False Ads Suit Over Referral Model
A company that places senior citizens in retirement homes was hit with proposed class claims alleging it falsely advertises free services and steers business away from communities that decline to participate in its "pay-to-play" business model.
February 24, 2025
Insurer Sues Valve Co. To Recoup Payout To Ohio School
The "catastrophic" flooding of a Cincinnati school was due to a faulty water stop valve, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday by an insurance provider that seeks to hold building products manufacturer Masco Corp. and its plumbing subsidiary liable for the nearly $225,000 in damages.
February 24, 2025
Osage Reservation Boundary Case Is Meritless, Court Told
Oklahoma Tax Commission officials are urging a federal district court to dismiss a motion by the Osage Nation that seeks acknowledgment of its reservation's continued existence, arguing that the decades-old case arises out of the tribe's attempt to avoid state taxation of its members.
February 24, 2025
Conn. Solo Wants Willkie Partner's $27K Fee Bid Slashed
A Connecticut solo practitioner who lost a First Amendment lawsuit after leaking a Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP's partner's landlord-tenant dispute to the New York Post on Monday criticized the partner's bid to recoup his legal fees, arguing $8,250 is more reasonable than his current $27,000 demand.
February 24, 2025
Holland & Hart Bolsters Real Estate Practice In Denver
Holland & Hart LLP said it has added real estate attorney Heather Park Meek as a partner in its Denver office.
February 24, 2025
Law Firm Must Face Malpractice Suit Over Home Project Case
The New Jersey Appellate Division reinstated a malpractice suit against a Garden State firm on Monday in a published decision finding that the plaintiff was allowed to assign some of the proceeds of the case to third parties ahead of time.
Expert Analysis
Feds May Have Overstepped In Suit Against Mortgage Lender
The U.S. Department of Justice's lawsuit against Rocket Mortgage goes too far in attempting to combat racial bias and appears to fail on the fatal flaw that mortgage lenders should be at arm's length from appraisers, says Drew Ketterer at Ketterer & Ketterer.
The Bar Needs More Clarity On The Discovery Objection Rule
Almost 10 years after Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34 was amended, attorneys still seem confused about what they should include in objections to discovery requests, and until the rules committee provides additional clarity, practitioners must beware the steep costs of noncompliance, says Tristan Ellis at Shanies Law Office.
Foreclosing Lenders Still Floating In Murky Legal Waters In NY
The New York foreclosure landscape remains in disarray after the state's highest court last month declined to weigh in on whether legal changes from 2022 that severely curtailed lenders' ability to bring successive foreclosure cases were retroactive, says Brian Rich at Barclay Damon.
Being A Navy Reservist Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Serving this country in uniform has not only been one of the greatest honors of my life, but it has also provided me with opportunities to broaden my legal acumen and interpersonal skills in ways that have indelibly contributed to my civilian practice, says Phillip Smith at Weinberg Wheeler.
Conservation Easement Cases Weave Web Of Uncertainty
Much of the IRS and Justice Department’s recent success in prosecuting syndicated conservation easement cases can be attributed to the government’s focus on the so-called PropCo ratio, which could indicate treacherous waters ahead for participants and their advisers, even under the incoming Trump administration, say attorneys at Polsinelli.
So You Want To Move Your Law Practice To Canada, Eh?
Google searches for how to move to Canada have surged in the wake of the U.S. presidential election, and if you’re an attorney considering a move to the Great White North, you’ll need to understand how the practice of law differs across the border, says David Postel at Henein Hutchison.
Philly's Algorithmic Rent Ban Furthers Antitrust Policy Trends
A Philadelphia bill banning the use of algorithmic software to set rent prices and manage occupancy rates is indicative of growing scrutiny of this technology, and reflects broader policy trends of adapting traditional antitrust principles to respond to new technology, say attorneys at Ballard Spahr.
Notable Q3 Updates In Insurance Class Actions
Total loss valuation cases and labor depreciation cases dominated the past quarter of insurance class actions, with courts continuing to reject challenges to condition adjustments in the former, and a pro-insured trend persisting in the latter, say attorneys at BakerHostetler.
Promoting Diversity In The Selection Of ADR Neutrals
Excerpt from Practical Guidance
Choosing neutrals from diverse backgrounds is an important step in promoting inclusion in the legal profession, and it can enhance the legitimacy and public perception of alternative dispute resolution proceedings, say attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler.
Playing Ultimate Makes Us Better Lawyers
In addition to being fun, ultimate Frisbee has improved our legal careers by emphasizing the importance of professionalism, teamwork, perseverance, enthusiasm and vulnerability, say Arunabha Bhoumik and Adam Bernstein at Regeneron.
How Property Insurance Coverage Shrank After The Pandemic
Insurers litigating property claims are leveraging rulings that provided relief in the COVID-19 context to reverse the former majority rule on physical loss or damage in all contexts, say attorneys at Reed Smith.
NYC Hotel Licensing Law's Costs May Outweigh Its Benefits
A hotel licensing bill recently approved by New York's City Council could lead to the loss of many nonunionized hotels that cannot afford to comply, says Stuart Saft at Holland & Knight.
E-Discovery Quarterly: Recent Rulings On Metadata
Several recent rulings reflect the competing considerations that arise when parties dispute the form of production for electronically stored information, underscoring that counsel must carefully consider how to produce and request reasonably usable data, say attorneys at Sidley.
Why Secured Lenders Must Mind The Gap In UCC Searches
If not adequately addressed, the Uniform Commercial Code filing indexing gap can interfere with a lender's expected lien priority, but taking appropriate preclosing actions and properly timing searches can eliminate this risk, says Robert Wonneberger at Barclay Damon.
Striking A Balance Between AI Use And Attorney Well-Being
As the legal industry increasingly adopts generative artificial intelligence tools to boost efficiency, leaders must note the hidden costs of increased productivity, and work to protect attorneys’ well-being while unlocking AI’s full potential, says Ed Sohn at Factor.