Real Estate Rumors: Premier Equities, KLS, First Republic

By Andrew McIntyre
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Law360 (April 16, 2020, 5:59 PM EDT ) Premier Equities has sold a leasehold at a Manhattan retail condo for $10.2 million, Commercial Observer reported on Thursday. The deal is for a 70-year leasehold for 9,500 square feet of retail space at 644 Greenwich St., and the buyers are investors Pamela and Cary Roth, Commercial Observer said, citing an earlier report by PincusCo that had information on the buy side of the deal.

NorthPoint Development has leased 465,000 square feet of space at an under-construction project in Northeast Philadelphia to KLS Logistics, the Philadelphia Business Journal reported on Wednesday. The deal is for space at 11601 Roosevelt Blvd., where construction has been halted per an order from Gov. Tom Wolf that bans all nonessential construction during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the report.

First Republic Bank has loaned $34.5 million to Adept Urban for phase two of a luxury condo project in Pasadena, California, Commercial Observer reported on Thursday, citing sources with knowledge of the matter. The loan is for 245 S. Los Robles Ave., and phase two includes a 48-unit condo building, according to the report. Phase one included converting an office tower to a mixed-use building with 57 condo units as well as 23,000 square feet of office space, Commercial Observer reported.

--Editing by Alanna Weissman.

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