Deals Rumor Mill: Deutsche Telekom, BlackBerry, Blackstone

By Jake Simpson ( October 10, 2013, 6:42 PM EDT) -- Deutsche Telekom AG is expected to receive bids from five private equity firms for its online classified advertising division Scout24, with the bids valuing the unit's equity and debt at between $2.2 billion and $2.3 billion, sources told Reuters on Thursday. Firms expected to bid on Scout24 include Apax Partners LLP, TPG Capital LP, Silver Lake Partners, Hellman & Friedman LLC and EQT Holdings AB. Deutsche Telekom, which is looking to free up capital for a major broadband investment in Germany, wants to sell roughly 30 percent of the classifieds business. Final offers for Scout24 are due in November. Deutsche Telekom's plans to take over Polish telecom firm GTS Central Europe have also reportedly headed south amid disagreements over the prospective deal's price tag....

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