Unraveling The Mysteries Of Mixed-Use Project Dynamics

Law360, New York ( September 18, 2014, 1:59 PM EDT) -- While many mixed-use projects failed during the recent economic downturn, others avoided failure yet barely survived, while still others evolved and even flourished during this time of turmoil.  We can learn from those that failed and from those that survived and thrived during these challenging times. In our respective roles as business and legal advisers and having particular expertise and experience in mixed-use development projects, we have observed many common mistakes made by owners and developers. We have also helped engineer and implement many "turnaround" strategies for mixed-use projects. In this article we will share with you some of our observations and experiences pertaining to mixed-use developments, highlighting common mistakes made and pitfalls to avoid, while providing real-life examples of successful actions taken in a successful mixed-use development turnaround strategy....

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