Deals Rumor Mill: Anthem, Cigna, Yelp, Tesco

By Linda Chiem ( July 2, 2015, 5:07 PM EDT) -- Health insurers Anthem Inc. and Cigna Corp. have rekindled talks to merge after Cigna last month spurned a $47.5 billion takeover from Anthem that it called inadequate, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. Company representatives have met in recent days to discuss a potential tie-up between two of the nation's biggest health insurers, which haven't had a meeting of the minds on deal terms such as pricing or who would run the combined company, according to the report. Cigna's board said in an open letter in June that it was "deeply disappointed" with Anthem's handling of the negotiations, while Anthem said it stood by its $184-per-share cash-and-stock offer....

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