Calif. Franchise Relations Act Could Be A Game Changer
Law360, New York ( October 28, 2015, 5:00 PM EDT) -- California will notch another franchise regulatory distinction come Jan. 1, 2016: home to the toughest franchisee-protection law in the nation. On Oct. 11, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill amending the California Franchise Relations Act (CFRA) to expand franchisee rights when it comes to termination, renewal and transfer of franchise agreements. The new CFRA applies to franchise agreements entered into or renewed on or after Jan. 1, 2016, and to any franchise arrangement of indefinite duration (i.e., no fixed term specified) that permits either party to terminate the arrangement without cause. It will not, however, apply to franchise agreements executed before Jan. 1, 2016, even if the termination or sale occurs after that date....
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