In Congress: Gun Control, Zika, FAA

Law360, New York ( July 5, 2016, 12:06 AM EDT) -- Members of the House had a brief reprieve from partisan battles in Washington, D.C., over the Independence Day recess, but they, along with their Senate colleagues, return to Capitol Hill this week to face the same unresolved issues they grappled with in June, including gun control and homeland security, advancing fiscal year 2017 appropriations, and providing funding to counter the Zika virus. One "must pass" order of business during the next two weeks is an extension of current Federal Aviation Administration authorization; the FAA's current authority expires on July 15. There is a very short window to make headway on these outstanding items and other legislative business, with both the House and Senate scheduled to be in session only for two more weeks before adjourning for the Democratic and Republican national party conventions and the annual extended district work period until after Labor Day....

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