Calif. High Court (Mostly) Clarifies Rest Day Rules
By Robin Largent ( May 18, 2017, 10:40 AM EDT) -- The California Supreme Court recently issued its opinion in Mendoza v. Nordstrom, clarifying California's day of rest requirements. These requirements are set forth in Labor Code sections 551 and 552. Section 551 provides that "every person employed in any occupation of labor is entitled to one day's rest therefrom in seven," and Section 552 prohibits employers from "causing their employees to work more than six days in seven." However, Section 556 exempts employers from the duty to provide a day of rest "when the total hours of employment do not exceed 30 hours in any week or six hours in any one day thereof." While these provisions do not appear too complicated or hard to follow at first blush, compliance has been challenged in wage and hour litigation, raising several questions of what these provisions technically mean. Questions that have arisen include the following:...
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