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TTAB Cases (62)
Filed: August 22, 2024 |
Microsoft Corporation v MMMera Inc
....: 98046988 ESTTA TRACKING NO: ESTTA1378963 The request to extend time to oppose is granted until 11/20/2024 on behalf of potential opposer Microsoft Corporation. Please do not hesitate to contact the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board at (571)272-8500 if you have any questions relating to this extension.%>...
Filed: May 20, 2024 |
BitDefender IPR Management Ltd v Microsoft Corporation
...v. Microsoft Corporation MOTION TO EXTEND GRANTED By the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board: Microsoft Corporation’s consented motion to extend, filed November 22, 2024, to extend for 30 days is granted. Trademark Rule 2.127(a). Dates are reset as set out in the motion. Generally, the Federal Rules of Evidence apply to Board trials....These include pretrial disclosures, the manner and timing of taking testimony, matters in evidence, and the procedures for submitting and serving testimony and other evidence, including affidavits, declarations, deposition transcripts, and stipulated evidence. Trial briefs shall be Proceeding No. 91291588 submitted in accordance with Trademark Rules 2.128(a) and (b)....Oral argument at final hearing will be scheduled only upon the timely submission of a separate notice as allowed by Trademark Rule 2.129(a).%>...
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