By Shaun Jamison ( March 28, 2018, 12:22 PM EDT) -- All sectors are at risk for cybersecurity problems. Certainly, we hear about payment card and health care breaches regularly in the news. However, lawyers are far from exempt from the risks associated with cybersecurity. The fact that lawyers handle sensitive client information and often operate as solo and small practices makes them a prime target for ransomware attacks[1]. Whether a large firm such as DLA Piper[2] or a small firm such as Moses Afonso Ryan,[3] firms cannot afford to be shut down by an attack, nor can they risk the exposure of client data. In addition to external threats, law firms contend with the same threats as other organizations, including dishonest or poorly trained employees who pose a cybersecurity threat. With the continual threat of business interruption and data breaches, law firms need to ramp up their cybersecurity....
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