How does one law firm measure up against another? What factors are the most important to consider when taking stock of law firms — and what measures reveal the firms that are scaling the heights of the legal industry?
Law360 Pulse proudly presents the 2022 Law360 Pulse Leaderboard, a ranking of law firms that are forging a new path to all-around excellence in the legal profession.
Our Law360 Pulse Leaderboard provides a fresh perspective on what that path to excellence entails. The Leaderboard takes a holistic look at top law firms — and examines the balance law firms strike between the work they do, the reputation they build, and the commitments they make to socially responsible business practices.
The result is a list of 100 law firms that are proving their worth to top talent, top clients, and the industry at large.
The Leaderboard is the culmination of this year's Law360 Pulse rankings, which look at law firms from multiple angles and build to a final score. Check out the 2022 Social Impact Leaders here, and the 2022 Prestige Leaders here.
These Firms Top The 2022 Law360 Pulse Leaderboard
By Sam Bell and Ben Jay | December 12, 2022
Presenting the 2022 Law360 Pulse Leaderboard — the 100 firms that are besting their peers on measures of prestige, social responsibility and the reach of their legal practice.
The 2022 Practice Footprint Ranking: How Firms Stack Up
By Sam Bell | Graphics by Ben Jay | December 12, 2022
The firms that leave the biggest impression in the world of legal work are firms that not only handle a wide variety of cases in a broad range of jurisdictions, but also excel in closing large merger and acquisition deals and handling registered offerings. See which firms are leading the pack.
The Litigation Footprints Of Law360 Pulse Leaderboard Firms
By Jacqueline Bell and Sam Bell | December 12, 2022
Follow a firm's litigation tracks in federal district courts across the country with our interactive chart.
Law360 Pulse Leaderboard Methodology
Read more about our methodology for calculating the Law360 Pulse Leaderboard.
Top Firms Make Growth A Priority For 2023
By Xiumei Dong | December 12, 2022
Law firm leaders are heading into 2023 with caution, anticipating a tighter budget in preparation for a prolonged period of economic challenge, but some BigLaw firms are planning to grow next year, with leaders eyeing opportunities to expand businesses to new locations and add to their attorney headcounts.
How Law Firms Are Tapping Nonlawyers For A Leg Up
By Aebra Coe | December 12, 2022
As the business of law becomes increasingly complex, large law firms are relying more on business professionals to gain a competitive advantage, and leaders at top Law360 Pulse Leaderboard firms say that, for them, this reliance will only continue to grow.
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