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March 19, 2025
'Weird' Mass Arb. Fights Have Judge Questioning FAA's Reach
A California federal judge who held Verizon's arbitration agreements to be unconscionable told a law forum panel Wednesday in San Diego that the rise of mass arbitration cases and companies' increasingly "creative" efforts to avoid arbitration has him finding the process "weird" and asking, "What's wrong with the courts?""
March 19, 2025
Ex-U.S. Rep. Loses 2nd Circ. Appeal In Insider Trading Case
Former Indiana Rep. Stephen Buyer has failed to convince the Second Circuit to overturn his insider trading conviction or to grant him a new trial, with the appellate court ruling Wednesday to keep his 22-month sentence intact.
March 19, 2025
DOJ Says Anthropic View Of Google Search Fix Is Now Moot
The U.S. Department of Justice is urging a D.C. federal judge to dismiss Anthropic's bid to submit witness declarations in the remedies phase of the government's search antitrust case against Google, arguing that it already dropped the proposed remedy that drew Anthropic's input in the first place.
March 19, 2025
Broadband Pole Upgrades Depend On States, Pew Says
States need to make sure their pole attachment process is running smoothly, or it could be the cause for a lot of broadband deployment holdups, according to a new study released by Pew Charitable Trusts.
March 19, 2025
Trade Group Sues La. Over Social Media Age Restrictions
Tech trade group NetChoice is going after a new Louisiana law that would restrict minors' access to social media and ban companies from showing them targeted ads, saying the law blocks children's access to protected speech and is a "fiasco for free speech and online safety."
March 19, 2025
EU Accuses Google Of Breaking New Big Tech Rules
European enforcers accused Google on Wednesday of violating the bloc's new rules for digital markets by favoring its own services in search results and through restrictions in its Play Store, while also outlining steps Apple needs to take to comply.
March 19, 2025
Broadcasters Say Next-Gen TV Could Back Up GPS
Broadcasters told federal regulators the impending transition to next-generation TV could come with an added benefit — the creation of a broadcast spectrum-based backup to the Global Positioning System.
March 19, 2025
Law360 Announces The Members Of Its 2025 Editorial Boards
Law360 is pleased to announce the formation of its 2025 Editorial Advisory Boards.
March 19, 2025
Republican FCC Aide Named NTIA's Acting Head
The White House has named Adam Cassady, formerly a top Republican aide at the Federal Communications Commission, as acting chief of the U.S. Department of Commerce branch in charge of federal spectrum policy.
March 18, 2025
High 5 Can't Undo Jury's $7M Enhanced Damages, Class Says
A class of players said that High 5 Games can't escape $7.2 million in enhanced damages for targeting gambling addicts with social casino-style mobile apps, arguing that a federal judge should not upend the plaintiffs' right to a trial by jury.
March 18, 2025
FCC Quarterly Subsidy Rate Should Be Zero, Group Says
The Federal Communications Commission should set the fee that telecom companies have to pay to fund the agency's telecom subsidy system to zero for the next quarter, says a group that is in the middle of challenging the agency's right to collect those fees at all.
March 18, 2025
Google, Apple Urge 9th Circ. To Reject Search Collusion Case
Google and Apple are urging the Ninth Circuit to reject an appeal from an advertiser seeking to revive a case accusing Google of paying Apple to stay out of the search market, arguing that a ruling in the government's search case against Google has nothing to do with the claims.
March 18, 2025
Apple Attempts To Hide Discovery Are 'Systemic,' Epic Says
Epic Games is pushing a California federal judge to punish Apple for its "sanitized, fictional account" of compliance with an injunction blocking App Store anti-steering policies, arguing the iPhone-maker can't evade discovery sanctions by trying to blame the scale of document review.
March 18, 2025
Pa. Lawmakers Push For State-Level Net Neutrality Rules
Federal net neutrality rules died in appeals court this winter, but a pair of Pennsylvania lawmakers are pushing to see similar regulations enacted in their place at the state level.
March 18, 2025
Split 7th Circ. Says Texts For Free Services Don't Violate TCPA
A divided Seventh Circuit panel on Monday refused to revive a putative Telephone Consumer Protection Act class action over a company's texts and calls offering free nutritional services through the lead plaintiff's state and Medicaid funded healthcare plan, finding the messages weren't telephone solicitations because he wasn't being encouraged to purchase anything.
March 18, 2025
FCC Dem Starks To Step Down This Spring
The longest-serving Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission, Geoffrey Starks, said Tuesday he will resign the post sometime this spring.
March 18, 2025
4 Firms Lead Ukrainian Telecom Firm's $2.2B SPAC Merger
The owner of Ukrainian telecommunications operator Kyivstar on Tuesday announced plans to merge with special purpose acquisition company Cohen Circle Acquisition Corp. I in a deal that will take Kyivstar public at an estimated $2.2 billion valuation, guided by four law firms.
March 17, 2025
Biz Groups Push For High Court Review Of Cisco Spying Case
National business groups are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a Ninth Circuit decision reviving a suit from a class of Falun Gong practitioners alleging that Cisco aided in the Chinese government's crackdown on the religious movement, claiming that the circuit's ruling could chill foreign investment and disadvantage American companies.
March 17, 2025
Gogo Says Rival Pivoted From Competing To Suing
In-flight entertainment company Gogo Business Aviation wants out of a $1 billion lawsuit accusing it of wielding its monopoly over air-to-ground broadband tech to keep competitors at bay, telling the court that SmartSky is just trying to convert their intellectual property dispute into an antitrust one.
March 17, 2025
Fox Mischaracterizes Philly License Controversy, Critics Say
A public interest group has urged the Federal Communications Commission to restore an inquiry into whether Fox TV's Philadelphia station should have been denied a broadcast license renewal for airing election falsehoods in 2020 from Fox's cable news channel.
March 17, 2025
9th Circ. Says Capital One Cyberattacker Sentence Too Light
A split Ninth Circuit panel Monday said a lower court judge was too lenient in sentencing a former Inc. coder to probation for orchestrating one of the nation's latest data breach crimes, finding that the district court judge erred in finding her actions were not "malicious."
March 17, 2025
Private Equity Billionaire Greenlighted As Pentagon's No. 2
Private equity billionaire Stephen Feinberg was confirmed as deputy defense secretary on Friday by a 59-40 vote in the U.S. Senate.
March 17, 2025
ITC Hears Strong Views On Import Bans For Essential Patents
As the U.S. International Trade Commission reviews a case where a judge said Amazon infringed Nokia standard-essential patents, tech giants told the ITC that import bans should rarely be issued for such patents, while patent advocates said such orders are "unquestionably" allowed.
March 17, 2025
AT&T Can't Get EDTX To Ship Wireless Tech IP Case To Calif.
A Texas federal magistrate judge has refused to send a lawsuit accusing AT&T of infringing patents related to wireless technology like DSL to California, finding that part of an agreement signed by the telecom giant and the patent owner requiring any fight be litigated in the Golden State doesn't apply.
March 17, 2025
SpaceX Hopes For Faster Commercial Launch Coordination
SpaceX has asked the Federal Communications Commission to set up spectrum coordination among commercial space launches on tighter time frames to make it easier to avoid signal interference between users.
Expert Analysis
Performing Stand-Up Comedy Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Whether I’m delivering a punchline on stage or a closing argument in court, balancing stand-up comedy performances and my legal career has demonstrated that the keys to success in both endeavors include reading the room, landing the right timing and making an impact, says attorney Rebecca Palmer.
3 Del. Bankruptcy Cases Highlight US Trustee Objections
As three recent Delaware bankruptcy cases show, debtors who seek approval of a stalking horse bid protections agreement should be prepared for the U.S. Trustee Office's objections, including if the proposed classification for the bid protections is a superpriority administrative expense claim, says Kyle Arendsen at Squire Patton.
Adapting To Private Practice: From SEC To BigLaw
As I adjusted to the multifaceted workflow of a BigLaw firm after leaving the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, working side by side with new colleagues on complex matters proved the fastest way to build a deep rapport and demonstrate my value, says Jennifer Lee at Jenner & Block.
Making The Case For Rest In The Legal Profession
For too long, a culture of overwork has plagued the legal profession, but research shows that attorneys need rest to perform optimally and sustainably, so legal organizations and individuals must implement strategies that allow for restoration, says Marissa Alert at MDA Wellness, Carol Ross-Burnett at CRB Global, and Denise Robinson at The Still Center.
1st Circ. IMessage Ruling Illustrates Wire Fraud Circuit Split
The First Circuit’s recent decision that text messages exchanged wholly within Massachusetts but transmitted by the internet count as interstate commerce spotlights a split in how circuits interpret intrastate actions under the federal wire fraud statute, perhaps prompting U.S. Supreme Court review, say attorneys at ArentFox Schiff.
4 Ways Women Attorneys Can Build A Legal Legacy
This Women’s History Month, women attorneys should consider what small, day-to-day actions they can take to help leave a lasting impact for future generations, even if it means mentoring one person or taking 10 minutes to make a plan, says Jackie Prester, a former shareholder at Baker Donelson.
A Judge's Pointers For Adding Spice To Dry Legal Writing
U.S. District Judge Fred Biery shares a few key lessons about how to go against the grain of the legal writing tradition by adding color to bland judicial opinions, such as by telling a human story and injecting literary devices where possible.
A Close-Up Look At DOJ's Challenge To HPE-Juniper Deal
The outcome of the Justice Department's challenge to Hewlett Packard Enterprise's proposed $14 billion acquisition of Juniper Networks will likely hinge on several key issues, including market dynamics and shares, internal documents, and questions about innovation and customer harm, say attorneys at McDermott.
Justices Likely To Issue Narrow Ruling In $1.3B Award Dispute
After last week's argument in Devas v. Antrix, the Supreme Court appears likely to reverse the holding that minimum contacts are required before a federal court may exercise personal jurisdiction over a foreign state and remand the case for further litigation on other important constitutional questions, say attorneys at Cleary.
AG Watch: Texas Is Entering New Privacy Enforcement Era
The state of Texas' recent suit against Allstate is the culmination of a long-standing commitment to vigorously enforcing privacy laws in the state, and while still in the early stages, it offers several important insights for companies and privacy practitioners, says Paul Singer at Kelley Drye.
6th Circ. Ruling Paves Path Out Of Loper Bright 'Twilight Zone'
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Loper Bright ruling created a twilight zone between express statutory delegations that trigger agency deference and implicit ones that do not, but the Sixth Circuit’s recent ruling in Moctezuma-Reyes v. Garland crafted a two-part test for resolving cases within this gray area, say attorneys at Wiley.
Cos. Should Prepare For Mexican Payments Surveillance Tool
The recent designation of six Mexican cartels as "specially designated global terrorists" will allow the Treasury Department to scrutinize nearly any Mexico-related payment through its Terrorist Finance Tracking Program — a rigorous evaluation for which even sophisticated sanctions compliance programs are not prepared, says Jeremy Paner at Hughes Hubbard.
Implications Of Kid Privacy Rule Revamp For Parents, Cos.
The Federal Trade Commission's recent amendments to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act will expand protections for children online, meaning parents will have greater control over their children's data and tech companies must potentially change their current privacy practices — or risk noncompliance, say attorneys at Labaton Keller.
7 Tips For Associates To Thrive In Hybrid Work Environments
Excerpt from Practical Guidance
As the vast majority of law firms have embraced some type of hybrid work policy, associates should consider a few strategies to get the most out of both their in-person and remote workdays, says James Argionis at Cozen O’Connor.
Playing Beach Volleyball Makes Me A Better Lawyer
My commitment to beach volleyball has become integral to my performance as an attorney, with the sport continually reminding me that teamwork, perseverance, professionalism and stress management are essential to both undertakings, says Amy Drushal at Trenam.