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January 29, 2025
9th Circ. Halts Calif. Social Media Addiction Law For Appeal
The Ninth Circuit stayed a slew of California limitations on social media platforms aimed at curbing addiction among young people, temporarily siding with a tech industry lobbying group arguing that the state law runs afoul of First Amendment speech protections.
January 29, 2025
Tribal Leaders Call Funding Freeze A 'Step In Wrong Direction'
Native American nonprofit groups and tribal leaders are weighing the effects of the Trump administration's possible federal funding freeze, calling the president's directive, which was revoked on Wednesday, shocking and vowing to bring legal action if necessary to protect Indian Country and the nation's Indigenous citizens.
January 29, 2025
India Asks High Court To Nix $1.3B Telecom Award
The Republic of India urged the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold a Ninth Circuit order that refused to enforce a $1.3 billion arbitral award against the commercial arm of its space agency, arguing that a lower court had baselessly said that India held control over the division.
January 29, 2025
Trump's Commerce Nominee Backs Maximalist Tariff Approach
President Donald Trump's nominee to lead the U.S. Department of Commerce voiced support for an expansive use of tariffs Wednesday, repeatedly telling lawmakers that new levies should be imposed to correct the "disrespect" U.S. businesses face in overseas markets.
January 28, 2025
Trade Groups Dial Up Push For Congress To Pass Privacy Law
A broad coalition of business trade groups on Tuesday called on the newly installed Congress to enact a national data privacy framework that would preempt state laws, arguing that the move was necessary to promote competition and boost consumer confidence in the current age of rapid technological innovation.
January 28, 2025
Stakeholders Worry Funding Freeze Will Hinder Connectivity
Advocates for increased broadband access in schools and libraries are sounding the alarm about the Office of Management and Budget memorandum calling on agencies to pause grant and loan disbursements, with broadband access advocates warning that the move would stop all Universal Service reimbursements and threaten coverage for rural and underserved areas.
January 28, 2025
FCC Scraps Reg Plan For Cell Tower Enviro Reviews
The Federal Communications Commission's new Republican chief said Tuesday the agency was dropping a plan launched during the Biden administration to more rigorously vet cell tower building projects for environmental impacts.
January 28, 2025
Lobbying Is Not A Crime, Madigan Co-Defendant Tells Jury
An attorney for an ex-lobbyist standing trial on public corruption charges alongside former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan told jurors on Tuesday the government failed to establish that his client conspired to trade the ex-speaker's support for do-nothing jobs, saying all that really happened was "lobbying and politics."
January 28, 2025
Prison Phone Providers Urge 1st Circ. To Back FCC Rate Suit
Prison telephone companies are asking the First Circuit to either move their challenge to new Federal Communications Commission prison payphone rate caps to the conservative Fifth Circuit or toss the limits themselves, saying the caps violate a congressional provision that the companies be "fairly compensated" for service in detention facilities.
January 28, 2025
'Right To Hug' Case In Michigan Draws ACLU Support
The American Civil Liberties Union and 15 other organizations urged a Michigan appeals court to hold that children have a right to in-person visits with their incarcerated parents, describing in a friend-of-the-court brief the long-lasting psychological effects of isolating child from parent.
January 28, 2025
Apple Can't Defend Google Revenue Deal In DOJ Search Case
A D.C. federal judge has refused to let Apple intervene to defend the billions it gets from Google to keep the search giant as the default for Safari browser, holding the iPhone maker waited too long to intervene in the Justice Department's monopolization lawsuit, and the company's involvement now would be too disruptive.
January 28, 2025
Dish Says Spoofed Social Media Posts Defamed Co., Execs
Dish Wireless is suing anonymous social media users in Colorado state court for defamation, alleging they created fake accounts posing as company executives while posting criticism of the business.
January 28, 2025
Greenberg Traurig Digital Infrastructure Leader Joins Kirkland
Kirkland & Ellis LLP has picked up the longtime co-chair of Greenberg Traurig LLP's digital infrastructure, data center and cloud computing industry group, who has joined the firm's corporate practice group in Washington, D.C.
January 28, 2025
Holland & Knight Adds Financial Services Partner In New York
Holland & Knight LLP has brought on a former Mayer Brown LLP partner who specializes in asset securitization and structured finance to its growing financial services team.
January 28, 2025
Trump Wants TikTok 'Bidding War' As Microsoft Enters Talks
President Donald Trump said that Microsoft is in discussions to purchase TikTok, stressing that a bidding war would be a "good thing" because that's how to get "the best deal."
January 28, 2025
Former FAA Chief Counsel Joins DLA Piper
The Federal Aviation Administration's former chief counsel Marc Nichols has joined DLA Piper in Washington, D.C., as partner and co-chair of its transportation practice, the firm announced Tuesday.
January 27, 2025
States Back In Spotlight As Feds Exit Net Neutrality Debate
The Sixth Circuit might have recently hammered the last nail into the coffin of federal net neutrality rules, but states are poised to fill the void — just as some did when the last Trump administration tanked a previous broadband regulatory regime.
January 27, 2025
Cruz Files Bill To Repeal FCC's Student Wi-Fi Plan
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has filed a bill to prevent the Federal Communications Commission from carrying out a Democratic plan to fund Wi-Fi for students off campus.
January 27, 2025
Cisco Tells Fed. Circ. To Uphold Win In Cybersecurity IP Row
Cisco has defended its retrial victory in a multibillion-dollar computer security patent case by telling the Federal Circuit the new judge had seen through a cybersecurity startup's legal "tactics."
January 27, 2025
FCC No Longer Mulling Broadband Bulk Billing Restrictions
With the Federal Communications Commission now under Republican leadership, the agency has decided to pull its plan to restrict bulk billing for broadband services from the FCC's regulatory agenda.
January 27, 2025
Judge Refuses To Stop Amazon Data Suit In Ill. State Court
A Delaware federal judge refused on Monday to block a lawsuit in Illinois state court accusing Amazon Web Services of illegally collecting voice data, saying the Illinois privacy case involves different claims and parties than the federal case, which was dismissed because some plaintiffs lacked standing.
January 27, 2025
Feds' Madigan Informant Is A 'Malignant Tumor,' Jury Told
An attorney for ex-Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan took aim Monday at the former Chicago alderman called as the government's star witness in Madigan's criminal racketeering trial, calling him "a malignant tumor at the heart of this case" and urging jurors not to trust his testimony as they prepare to deliberate on his client's fate.
January 27, 2025
3rd Circ. Says Class Cert. Won't Work In Junk Fax Suit
Since Fox Rehabilitation Services used "highly individualized methods" to seek consent from the entities it sent faxes to, it would be too difficult for a lawsuit accusing the company of sending unsolicited ads to proceed as a class action, a split Third Circuit panel has ruled.
January 27, 2025
Judge Orders Litigation Funder To Give Docs To Netflix
A Virginia federal judge said AiPi LLC, an intellectual property strategy service, has to hand over certain documents that Netflix Inc. requested relating to patent litigation claims against the streaming giant.
January 27, 2025
Fed. Circ. Rules Smartphone Camera Patent Claims Are Invalid
The Federal Circuit ruled Monday that all the claims in a pair of patents relating to smartphone camera technology were invalid, backing most of various Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions involving tech giants like Apple, Google and LG.
Expert Analysis
The Big Issues A BigLaw Associates' Union Could Address
A BigLaw associates’ union could address a number of issues that have the potential to meaningfully improve working conditions, diversity and attorney well-being — from restructured billable hour requirements to origination credit allocation, return-to-office mandates and more, says Tara Rhoades at The Sanity Plea.
Opting In To CIPA Risk Mitigation After New Precedent
A recent California federal court decision, adopting a new, broad interpretation of the California Invasion of Privacy Act, will likely increase the volume of CIPA claims and should prompt businesses to undertake certain preventative measures, including adopting an opt-in approach to using third-party website advertising technologies, say attorneys at Thompson Hine.
It's Time For A BigLaw Associates' Union
As BigLaw faces a steady stream of criticism about its employment policies and practices, an associates union could effect real change — and it could start with law students organizing around opposition to recent recruiting trends, says Tara Rhoades at The Sanity Plea.
Why DOJ's Whistleblower Program May Have Limited Impact
The U.S. Department of Justice’s new whistleblower pilot program aims to incentivize individuals to report corporate misconduct, but the program's effectiveness may be undercut by its differences from other federal agencies’ whistleblower programs and its interplay with other DOJ policies, say attorneys at Milbank.
What 7th Circ. Samsung Decision Means For Mass Arbitration
The Seventh Circuit's recent decision in Wallrich v. Samsung highlights the dilemma faced by mass arbitration filers in the face of nonpayment of arbitration fees by the defending party — but also suggests that there are risks for defendants in pursuing such a strategy, says Daniel Campbell at McDermott.
How Justices Upended The Administrative Procedure Act
In its recent Loper Bright, Corner Post and Jarkesy decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court fundamentally changed the Administrative Procedure Act in ways that undermine Congress and the executive branch, shift power to the judiciary, curtail public and business input, and create great uncertainty, say Alene Taber and Beth Hummer at Hanson Bridgett.
Considerations As State AGs Step Up Privacy Enforcement
As new state privacy laws take effect, businesses are facing an increasingly complex patchwork of compliance obligations and risk of scrutiny by attorneys general, but companies can gain a competitive edge by building consumer trust and staying ahead of regulatory trends, say Ann-Marie Luciano and Meghan Stoppel at Cozen O’Connor.
Tips For Tax Equity-Tax Credit Transfers That Pass IRS Muster
Although the Internal Revenue Service has increased its scrutiny of complex partnership structures, which must demonstrate their economic substance and business purpose, recent cases and IRS guidance together provide a reliable road map for creating legitimate tax equity structures, say Ian Boccaccio and Michael Messina at Ryan Tax.
7th Circ. Ruling Sheds Light On Extraterritoriality In IP Law
A recent Seventh Circuit decision involving the Defend Trade Secrets Act, allowing for broader international application of trade secrets laws, highlights a difference in how trade secrets are treated compared to other areas of intellectual property law, say Armin Ghiam and Maria Montenegro-Bernardo at Hunton.
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Is My Counterclaim Bound To Fall?
A Pennsylvania federal court’s recent dismissal of the defendants’ counterclaims in Morgan v. Noss should remind attorneys to avoid the temptation to repackage a claim’s facts and law into a mirror-image counterclaim, as this approach will often result in a waste of time and resources, says Matthew Selmasska at Kaufman Dolowich.
Playing Dungeons & Dragons Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Playing Dungeons & Dragons – a tabletop role-playing game – helped pave the way for my legal career by providing me with foundational skills such as persuasion and team building, says Derrick Carman at Robins Kaplan.
3 Notes For Arbitration Agreements After Calif. Ruling
After last month's California Supreme Court decision in Ramirez v. Charter Communications invalidated several arbitration clauses in the company's employee contracts as unconscionable, companies should ensure their own arbitration agreements steer clear of three major pitfalls identified by the court, say attorneys at Cooley.
3 Leadership Practices For A More Supportive Firm Culture
Traditional leadership styles frequently amplify the inherent pressures of legal work, but a few simple, time-neutral strategies can strengthen the skills and confidence of employees and foster a more collaborative culture, while supporting individual growth and contribution to organizational goals, says Benjamin Grimes at BKG Leadership.
How Justices' E-Rate Decision May Affect Scope Of FCA
The U.S. Supreme Court’s eventual decision in Wisconsin Bell v. U.S., determining whether reimbursements paid by the E-rate program are "claims" under the False Claims Act, may affect other federal programs that do not require payments to be made by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, says David Colapinto at Kohn Kohn.
E-Discovery Quarterly: Rulings On Hyperlinked Documents
Recent rulings show that counsel should engage in early discussions with clients regarding the potential of hyperlinked documents in electronically stored information, which will allow for more deliberate negotiation of any agreements regarding the scope of discovery, say attorneys at Sidley.