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April 19, 2022
Boe et al v. Marshall et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Constitutional - State Statute
- Agricola Law
- Arnold & Porter
- Badham & Buck
- Bainbridge Mims
- Balch & Bingham
- Boyden Gray
- Cooper & Kirk
- Copeland Franco
- Covington & Burling
- Dominick Feld
- Farella Braun
- Jenner & Block
- Jones Day
- King & Spalding
- Kirkland & Ellis
- Lightfoot Franklin
- Phelps Dunbar
- Quinn Emanuel
- Shook Hardy
- Spero Law LLC
- Wallace Jordan
- Wilkerson & Bryan
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American College of Physicians
- American Family Association
- American Medical Association Inc.
- American Psychiatric Association
- Americans United for Life
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Judicial Watch Inc.
- Texas Public Policy Foundation
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
February 25, 2025
3 Attys Reprimanded, 2 DQ'd In Ala. Judge Shopping Probe
An Alabama federal judge on Tuesday publicly reprimanded three attorneys for judge shopping during their legal efforts against a state law criminalizing gender-affirming care, saying that the trio practiced in bad faith and dropping two of them from litigating the case.
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